Opinions on the Royal Family

Honestly, the royal family is more of an icon. Most predominantly the Queen. Whilst they do have responsibilities, it’s more about the culture. When Lizzy does pop her cogs, I think it’s going to be harder to get behind the royal family - she’s probably the most iconic Brit and has masses of charisma and respect. Nobody else is quite like her. Iconic woman.

Once she’s gone, I could take or leave them. That being said, I doubt they’re going anywhere. They’re a huge part of the nation.
Time to make the thread controversial:

I don’t think the monarchy should continue over the next few hundred years. In our lifetime it should remain. Once Queen Elizabeth passes away, it’s unlikely that Prince Charles will ever remotely live up to her majesty’s legacy, as she has been our reigning monarch for what feels like could reach a full century. Our queen has reigned through:
- The Korean War
- The cold war, where she played active roles in establishing peace as well as commemorating the 20th anniversary of VE Day in west Germany.
- The falklands war
- Our entry and exit from the European Union
- The covid 19 pandemic
- The hong Kong power transfer
- The Vietnam war
- The troubles
- both Iraq wars
- The war in Afghanistan
- The Arab spring (significant as her majesty’s armed forces ran bombing campaigns against liby)

Among many other major political events that hold important significance just not to our country (Bosnian War, Cuban Missile crisis)

In the time the queen has been reigning monarch, These countries went through this many leaders:
- 14 US presidents
- 14 U.K. prime ministers

Countless world leaders and government changes have occurred worldwide during her reign so I won’t list them all.

The point I’m trying to make is Queen Elizabeth has been such a long established monarch over England that her majesty is essentially a part of the lives of countless generations. There’s people who were born after her coronation who have died from natural causes bought upon by old age. She also reigned through the 50s up until today and not only witnessed but in some aspects assisted in Bringing upon the world and society we live in today. She reigned through the creation of modern day life.

My question is, Will Prince Charles upon ascending to the throne ever remotely live up to the life Her Majesty did? Queen Elizabeth’s passing will definitely immortalise herself as Britain’s greatest monarch. When we think of the royals, for decades upon decades, the majority of us will think of Queen Elizabeth, not Prince charles. she will still hold a place in the hearts of many and anyone who lived through the reign of Queen Elizabeth in full consciousness probably won’t mentally adapt to that change.

With this being said, to me it boils us down to the question; If everyone Remains caught up with the life and achievements of her majesty, will we ever consider Prince Charles, upon taking the throne, a real king? Then when Prince Charles passes on and we get a new king, will they live up to anything remotely as great as not the queen, but possibly even king Charles too?

Interest in the Royal Family already dwindles and doesn’t extend beyond The Queen herself and Prince Harry (who is no longer in line for the throne), and with many of our royals, more famously Prince Harry, and more recently Prince Andrew, Renouncing their places in the line of the throne.

And that leaves us with the burning question: Once Prince Charles Reign as king is over, will anyone really care about the royal family beyond that point? And once the majority of the population lose interest in the Royal Family, what would be the logical choice in keeping them around?

And let’s look at it from an economic perspective:
- The queens long life span means that her face has appeared on virtually every coin that can still be circulated as currency. They won’t decommission coins because of an old monarch on them for sure, nor is there any real logistical reason to do so, meaning she will likely remain on our currency throughout the entire reign of King Charles.
- The queens likeliness appears on many tourist items found in the U.K., from t shirts to picture souvenirs all the way up to novelties like bobble heads and condoms. What’s the likeliness of Prince Charles merchandise ever really being as popular beyond funny novelty items?

Tl;dr: Queen Elizabeth will be immortalised upon her passing and from this point on it’s likely every future monarch will simply live in their shadows. The passing of Queen Elizabeth will in the long run slowly bleed out our desire to even keep a monarchy. Long live the queen.
I mean I dont have a problem with the Royal Family.

The fact that the Pontifex Maximus (pope-godfather-only man who can speak to god) creates kings and queens through bestowing a divine right (the right of a sovereign to rule as set forth by the theory of government that holds that a monarch receives the right to rule directly from God and not from the people).

my problem is that a man or woman can give a title that makes them somewhat 'better' or more important then any other man or woman baffles me.