What are your current opinions on the recent events in the USA

I agree with the protests but of course like many I don’t agree with the robbing and looting, people gave themselves the opportunity to rob and steal and completely destroy the reputation of the real protesters.

I also don’t agree with the idiots bringing the protests to different countries like in England.
They’re protesting about the events in America as if England can call up America and be like ‘Wagwarn arrest the officer blokes innit’.
'They' were actually mad at donnie and the government in general because the black population was affected more by COVID than others.

Gee, i wonder why.
I'm not too sure why they're more affected I haven't really done too much research but I can imagine why in America just thought the UK's system was fairer who knows
Black lives matter - well ofcourse they do.
I think all life matters, regardless of colour,shape and what they have done wrong.

Fuck the system tho, set the whole gaff on fire we should be fighting the oligarchy. Sad thing about it is the cops who are trying to calm shit are just trying to do a job to put food on the table, they got us all fucked up man, mad.

I think these fuckers need a reminder that the family has the power when we all come together.

all the shops will get it back on insurance anyway.

saw a twitter video of a homeless guy getting his mattress thrown into a fire and honestly that shit is so sad with everything else that have been going on in the US recently too
You know me, I’m the sort of dude who approves of “sticking it to the man” and shit like that, and maybe clashing with riot police in this situation ain’t bad, but shit like looting, and THIS shit, really grinds my gears

Dude was just defending his fucking property from looters and they practically MURDER him. People deserve to be mad about George Floyd’s death but the fact that there’s looters out there raiding shops and literally taking lives / permanently disabling simple working people just goes to show.

Roof Koreans, where art thou?
“all the shops will get it back on insurance anyway.” Lol with that money?
you mean destroying peoples shops who have come from the ghetto to actualy make something of there lifes by owning a shop?

I guess thats the only shitty thing about it.. but the displayal of power needs to be shown and heard that shit like this is not acceptable.

like I said, all the shops will get it back on insurance but, it is sad tho I get you.
why do people think insurance will just easily send them a sump of money so they can repair and order new goods. newsflash: they dont and not everyone has a 100% coverage. The apple store probably wont suffer as much from the looting as the mom and pop shop around the corner who sell just enough for a living.
But literally every store that has been looted, from Costco And target all the way down to Small family owned convenience stores are going to be making payout claims at once. No ones getting paid.
you could be correct tbh, who knows, I think they will.

Be interesting to see how it all ends up tbh.
@Sorle in most cases, officers only gets fired. But it's where the officer gets charged for murder riots happens which is fucking stupid.
I've watched videos of people attacking cops, then crying about cops attacking back, when the cops is just trying to protect themselves and innocent people lol
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