Server Suggestion Organisation contacts.

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Suggestion Title: Organisation contacts.
Suggestion Description: Allow Organizations to access allies numbers when the organisation members with edit perms add them to an “allies contacts” list on the speed dial menu.

Generally, Organisation allies often don’t have direct means of communication for people they didn’t request the number of personally. Having it so there’s a convenient list of contacts accessible as an organisation perk allows people to be able to call specific people.

When you are added as an “Ally contact”, The organisation name should appear as a contact name on your list. If at any point you want to opt out of that whole org having you on speed dial, you can simply delete the allied org from your contacts list, this will remove your number from their database. You can contact someone with org edit perms to add your number to this speed dial database.

Of course a system should be in place thus meaning you have to consent to having your number on their database.

Why should this be added?:
- A lot more balanced than the organisation teamspeak suggestion.
- Rather than allowing Zerg comms (the thing devs don’t want), this will allow people to phone their ally for backup or whatever else.

What negatives could this have?:
- Prank calls????
- Cluttering phone contacts with another list maybe?

What problem would this suggestion solve?: A compromise to the allies shared Teamspeak idea that keeps on getting suggested and denied. Balanced too as it doesn’t really allow large group comms.