Server Suggestion Organisation playercount and alliance limit.

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Suggestion Title: Organisation playercount and alliance limit.
Suggestion Description: Require organisations to:
- limit themselves to 25 members or less.
- Limit themselves to 4 Allied organisations.

Any organisation that doesn't meet these criteria upon the update being pushed will lose all organisation assets and benefits, such as org chat, org storage, and Org TS until there organisation meets these requirements.

The previous organisation limit of 15 players was not popular, hence why I am suggesting 25, as the playercount has shot up and this seems like an appropriate number to cater for this.

Currently the new meta now is for every player to band together and use strength in numbers to become rich, Competition is very stale when a single organisation and their allies could potentially fill the server on their own. This issue was addressed upon the initial org update that prevented orgs being too large very nicely, and even after the limit got removed, it wasn't an issue until recent times.

Why should this be added?:
- No more zergs
- Skill based game!

What negatives could this have?:
- Requires skill to win which might upset some people.
- Large orgs with inactive leaders having no perks until they come on again, I guess?
I'd like to see the member limit at something like 30, but I like the idea of limiting allied organisations.

One thing I'd like to see though is some kind of org perk that allows you to see what org someone else is in without being allied with them, but maybe only if the org has above a certain amount of players, say 10, to encourage organizations to remain small, and thus, stay off the radar a bit. Right now, allying with orgs is being seen as a cheap way to see what org someone is in, and it's annoying.

Right now, being allies is more like a non-aggression pact, especially for organisations such as imperium romanium who ally with everyone, where chances are, if a shootout starts at bazaar, we remain neutral because a good chance is, both sides are our "allies"
People will just do the exact same as last time and split over allied orgs and continue to be zergs, there is no effective counter for it
I believe @Dank already have a cool solution for this. Mercia is just like Mafia Brotherhood at this point
I understand the reasoning behind this post, but hate or love Mercia. They bring alot of active players back to the server everyday cuz they aint getting f*cked every 2 secs by the top orgs. Heard some lads call Mercia a zerg. I honestly havent seen a raid from Mercia with more than 5 guys. Maybe stop complaining and thank @Chris_ for bringing and keeping alot of active players to the server.
If people want to create big orgs they should be allowed to. I don't think limiting org sizes is the correct way to go. Let the founders run them how they want to be ran not to mention how this can be easily cheesed as shown below by another post.
People will just do the exact same as last time and split over allied orgs and continue to be zergs, there is no effective counter for it

We are working on a solution similar to this suggestion, more detail will be given in the update post when it comes out
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