Overflowed reliable buffer

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United Kingdom
Haven't played Garry's Mod since my PC wiped, I tried using creepis' autoexec.cfg guide, I tried to join the server and I get kicked saying "Disconnect: Kommandant A1L overflowed reliable buffer". No idea what I've done wrong, reset my garry's mod, factory reset bat, wiped everything, does anyone know how to fix this?

Update: I can join the main server, but not the training server
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This is a inventory issue, these players have toooooo many items in their storage. So when they join the server we send a lot of data to them in a very short period of time, resulting in the game kicking the player.

Fredy is working on a fix as we speak.
Love it when my .cfg is causing problems for some. Might have to do with previous Garry's Mod settings or just the system specs some have.

All I can think for now is remove my .cfg and clean install Garry's Mod. Execute the factoryreset.bat in the Garry's Mod folder via Admin and put this in your launch options.
-novid -autoconfig -default +host_writeconfig config.cfg full +mat_savechanges +quit
Launch Garry's Mod once with these settings and once it automatically closes itself make sure to remove these launch options and restart Garry's Mod and adjust your settings since everything is set to Default. Your bindings will be gone this way too.

Something else you could check is your Disk activity on whatever your Garry's Mod is installed on. Move it onto a different drive that's not filled up or move it to a SSD.
The crashes could potentially be beta branch specific if it only happens to some. Just a hunch, see if you can't reproduce it by launching in different branches.
I tried opting out and going back to the default branch, it didn't fix it either.
I've managed to join earlier today but the problem seems to be back

I'm also having this issue, it just suddenly occurred when I was about to join an org. I can't even join the server. I tried changing branches, restarting my PC, verifying and reinstalling the entire game, even deleting the left over files didn't fix anything.

Small update:
Can connect to the police academy server but not the main server.

This is the only server I have this issue with.

Definitely a server related issue which occurs with certain clients

How it occurred
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currently in talks with Fredy and some of the Dev team about this situation and possibly found the reasoning behind why it is happening! Im sure the big mans will fix soon!
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