Panic Button (read before going "already got it")

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The Death Star
Topic: 10 second radio cancellation for Panic Press

Short explanation (in notes):
- In the IRL Police Radio, when a panic button is pressed, it gives the panicking officer 10 seconds uninterrupted to talk

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

IRL: an emergency button activation/Panic activation is pressed it will cut off ALL other radios and allow 10 seconds uninterrupted talk in order to get locations ect

IG suggestion - When an officer/medic/FF does /panic add a flashing red radio tag that automatically holds B for them for a 10 second period in order to automatically give details on the panic incident

Reason for cutting officers out of the panic voice transmission;

The reasoning is that it allows the panicking person to have uninterrupted communication as you will tend to get after panic button is pressed "Officer Dom Dickens responding code 3" when the actual panicking officer COULD be giving VITAL information that could protect lives of others and give the Dispatcher ect a heads up on the scene.

/me Panics
<all other police radios cut out for panic transmission (duration: 10 secs)>
<radio tag flashing red> [Senior Officer] Owen Adder: 10-13 Officer down, 10-20 bank, 3 males armed with automatic rifles
<panic transmission ends>

This would make it easier for officers to do their duties when panicking as they do not have to focus holding the radio button as it is held automatically and they can focus on drawing their weapon ect

Optional additions:
- Flashing red radio tag upon panicking officers/medics ect.
I can imagine people who would need to transmit for 10 seconds after re-panicing for backup. I honestly wouldn't care to use the panic button after the first time then because of the forced transmission.
I like the idea but when we're so few people on the force, it doesn't matter. Scream loudly so the officers would know who the fuck they're dealing with.
This would be absolutely horrible. Can you imagine sweater officers doing this, panicing during gunfights while the officer in charge was trying to organise everyone before his radio got cut off. No thank you, the gov radio has enough problems as it is.
Almost every raid, shootout etc ends up in 4-5 panics. During situations like this communication is key, how will this be dealth with? Whenever im being shot at i just talk loudly in the radio, people will stop transmitting immidiately if you just yell priority priority.

//phone no bad spelling pls
Okay I get what you are trying to say, but the /Panic is already giving you a pretty decent description of where the panic has been pressed, which is Enough, sometimes there can be 5-15 panics if theres a shootout, if u gotta wait 10 seconds each panic, you need to use the radio, even tho I like the idea, its not needed.
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