This is Paralake Emergency Services.
As simple as it sounds, we're people who work within the governments emergency services
This organisation is only about Emergency Services, nothing else.
Chief of Department: Kenneth Walker
Inspector: John Daymon
Lieutenant: VACANT
Sergeant: VACANT
Sergeant: VACANT
Sergeant: VACANT
Inspector: John Daymon
Lieutenant: VACANT
Sergeant: VACANT
Sergeant: VACANT
Sergeant: VACANT
Chief of Department: Josef Manner
Chief of Fire Operations: Bob Nixon
Inspector: John Daymon
Firefighter: VACANT
Firefighter: VACANT
Firefighter: VACANT
Chief of Fire Operations: Bob Nixon
Inspector: John Daymon
Firefighter: VACANT
Firefighter: VACANT
Firefighter: VACANT
Well then, what do I have to do to actually join this organisation? Well all you need to do is select the department that fits you the best, then just contact the Chief of Department she/he will then talk to the Inspector then it's up to him.
You will not be taken into our organisation if you have a high warning / ban count.
If you've been banned for more than 1 month you will probably not be taken in.
If you've been banned for more than 1 month you will probably not be taken in.
Illegal activities will not be tolerated, follw the laws of Paralake City at all times.
We do only take you in if we really think you fit the role.
Never EVER ask for a promotion, the inspector got eyes on you the whole time
and will choose the right time to promote you.
We do only take you in if we really think you fit the role.
Never EVER ask for a promotion, the inspector got eyes on you the whole time
and will choose the right time to promote you.
Well now you might wonder, why is there no Chief of Department for the Medics? Well that is simply because we've put together the medics with the firefighters. As said above you choose what you wish to work as.