Paralake Housing Thread

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New York City
I'm not sure how many people have talked about the housing system on this map, but I just want to see how other players feel about this.

It bugs me seeing how subs and now Regals aren't as touched as the Projects and slums. All the rich people, experienced players, and large organizations, etc., base in the crappy apartments, because it has only one door you need to defend. This leads to newer players basing in the same building as all the experienced players or out in the middle of the forest or Hicktown, and it just seems unfair, knowing the Projects and slums would realistically be built to house lower income people, even though its almost always completely full of supercar owners. I know this probably wont happen for a very long time, if anything at all, but I think the only way we can solve this problem is changing up the map.

The first thing we can talk about are the fire exits. The fire exit for the Regals is just complete aids imo. We all know it's not a fire exit, it's just a second entrance, and it's the only reason why all the rich supercar owners started basing in the shitty slums and kicking out all the new players. The reason why Regals used to be so popular was because it had a private balcony, it was nice looking, and it was large. Obviously back then you couldn't get onto any of the balconies, except Regals 1, which was why nobody based there. Now you can go on any Regals balcony with no problem. I think just in general, that fire exit is on the wrong building. It looks ugly now, and it makes rich people want to live in a shit hole rather than a luxurious spacious apartment. My idea is to completely remove the Regals fire exit, and add it to the slums and or Projects. Those apartments are already cheaper than the now 2 door Regals apartments, which makes the cheaper apartments a better choice, which is not what we want, because like I said, not a lot of people use Regals anymore.
I think realistically, you wouldn't want to live in a place that looks like the slums or Projects, which is why we should give those apartments fire exits, and leave the Regals back to the way it was before. So in this case, all the rich supercar owners would go back to Regals and the newer players can experience slums and Projects for themselves.

Here's another thing about the fire exits though. The way it connects to the balcony of the Regals just looks ugly, and I've honestly never seen something like that in person (and i live in an apartment myself). Most apartments I've seen don't even actually have fire exits, but when they do, they usually lead to the windows. I was thinking it would be better if we had small fire exits that connect to the windows of the apartments and those windows could either be opened or breakable. Here is an example of what I mean by the way.

I was also thinking we should change up Projects and or slums, because it just looks the exact same. Doesn't have to be something major, maybe just change the layout and design etc.

Now here's something I think we really need to touch on. The suburbs are boring as hell, and nobody goes there anymore, it's kind of sad. We really just need to somehow make the suburbs a place worth living in. Obviously the main reason why not that many people use it is because it's more difficult to defend, compared to just a 1 door apartment, and because it's a lot more expensive. I really liked the houses on the older Paralake map, they were all unique and fun. I think that's all we need to make the subs alive again. Not exactly going back to the old map, but just making the suburbs more interesting instead of having a row of houses that are all completely identical.

When it comes to house designs, you are completely unlimited. I like some of the houses from Evocity and Rockford, because they are unique, and I especially like the basement homes, because how cool is it to have drugs growing in your basement instead of your bedroom or bathroom.
But here's a something I think would spice up the subs. Nobody likes those smaller sub houses. Redo the layout, and add detached garages and or basements, I personally think that would make for a very fun and interesting house players would love to base in. Here's an idea of what I mean by the detached garages.

Dayton, Ohio, USA is full of streets that look like this.

Of course subs don't have to be that grand, but if we want people to live there, we have to do something to make it interesting and worth a place to live. And obviously the suburb houses don't all have to have garages, it would just be nice if they did. But the possibilities are endless with this.


In the end, if all my ideas were added into PERP, here's what I believe what would happen:
Newer people base in the Projects and slums (or Hicktown), experienced people base in subs and Regals.
More basing = more drugs and raids, meaning more roleplay.
Instead of the whole server being in some apartments, people would be spread out all over the map.

Newer players would no longer have worry about their upstair neighbors barging in their apartment with AK's and driving off in their P1's with all their drugs.
Basing and raiding would be more interesting, and the map itself would be unique and fun to play on.

Like I said, these are just ideas. I'm not saying the server sucks without detached garages, so keep it calm. I just believe this would help with the problem I see in housing, and would "bring the server back to life" if you would. Let me know what you think.

tl:dr version: lets change up houses and apartments and shit
I think it's a great idea personally. I agree its kind of lame when all the players in the server are either based in slums or projex. Just adding basements to the small subs houses would make them a lot less shit IMO
Well to be honest, rich drug rings and dealers/gangs commonly have a shithole of a trap house in a really shady area so cops just know it as a 'low income home' but what they won't know is that there is a full drug filled house there with armed men, yes they also have super cars, but really successful drug dealers and drug kig pins love to splash their money and drive nice cars in general. I don't think it's too unrealistic or unfair. Yes basing will be more open and spread out but then you'll have more salt and bitching or it will probably stay the same because even if a sweater avoids basing in the same apartment complex and goes to a different one, they will still probably have the same chance of if they did base with that same Org in the same building of getting raided/mugged.

Getting into 1 way apartments like projex and slums is the same as trying to get out during a gunfight/raid. Having all of these changes won't really make a difference besides just cause more salt in OOC, but I guess raids for both cops and crims will be more diverse and it will just open up new scenarios.

Thanks for your suggestion and time you put in.
lucky we have a great map dev who is open to these suggestions @Xquality

Personally, i think at the moment the housing and apartments are very bland, all the subs houses are the same and all the apartments are the same. Leads to people building the same thing every time, well then again thats also the construction booklets fault too.

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