Paralake Independance Party (PLIP)

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Paralake Independance Party
"Love Paralake. Vote PLIP."
Our Anthem: 'Anchors Aweigh'
View our latest Manifesto here.

Party Leaders

Party Leader: Sam "Farage" Duffy (@Duffy)
Deputy Party Leader: Chris Andrews (@Chris)
Party Treasurer: Dalton Jefferson (@Murtsley)

Party Chairmen
Campaigns Officer:
Security Officer: Josh Morrison (@Sir CaptainSpaghetti)
James Petersmith (@The-Devils-Son)
Thomas George(@ThomasGeorge)

Guard Battalion (GB)
The 'GB' are the elite bodyguard of the Party Leaders and Chairmen.

Independance Police (IP)
The 'IP' are those who ensure that party policy is always in place.

Party Members
The members of our electorate group.
Josh Morrison
Harry Whalley
Zack Ryder (@Zan116)
Gary Moffat
Callum Moffat
Xhantium Harper(@xhantium)
Jack Winter
Ryan Giovanni
John Blacmore

Party Policy

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I wish to join your noble cause my in game name is James bird :)
Nvm I guess

Economy: Paralake Independence Party believes that every individual should be free from the evil wrath of the state and have the opportunity to gain prosperity. PLIP would introduce new regulations to ensure that the sales tax rates never exceed 30%. We will also ensure that in order to stimulate growth and economic prosperity, we will introduce harsher income tax regulations on those who are unemployed. Citizens shall no longer be dependent on the state for their income and will be encouraged to go out, look for work and contribute to the country as a whole.

Immigration: PLIP believes in British jobs for British workers! After succeeding to power we will introduce a new visa programme in which all new immigrants will have to answer a series of tests and speak fluent English to gain entry. All immigrants from Romania,Bulgaria,Poland,Hungary and Slovakia will be subject to further tests to ensure that they are of the highest standard that Paralake requires.

Europe: Tax payers money where does it go?, not even George Osborne knows. However us over here at PLIP know fully well where £55 million a day is going. We will withdraw from the European Union and Common market and end all the rule of bureaucrats in Brussels restricting our prosperous future. We will introduce our own 'Bill of Rights' which will help put victims of the city and country first.

Crime: Crime is a big issue and PLIP has the answers to it. Once a suspect has been arrested they will face jail and upon release will enter a "re-education" facility located near the farm, in which citizens will learn the true norms and values to help contribute to the nation. If these criminals refuse then a scheme has been set up in which all refusals will be deported to bongo bongo land to face trial upon a grand jury.

PLIP is dedicated to ensuring that citizens receive privatised health care that benefits me free healthcare to the point of use. We will make sure that the medical staff receive the highest pay-checks and the most sophisticated equipment that we have to offer. The funding off this will be gained by the taxation we put on foreigners using our service.

Education: Our children are not learning what they need to! PLIP will ensure that the National Curriculum is edited to include British history as it's number one priority. Children will be taught that everything the country has done was for the good, no matter the criticism we may receive.

Religion: We used to believe that the only true religion for PLIP was Islam Christianity. However we have learnt that in order to better ourself as humans, we should be dedication our blood,sweat and tears to our leader Sam 'Farage' Duffy. The citizens will be encouraged to attend party rallies held at the farm on numerous occasions to show their respect to the honourable leader.

We hope to see you at the ballot box! If you wish to find out more about PLIP visit us here:

Kind regards -
Sam 'Farage' Duffy
Leader and Co-Founder of PLIP
Outlined in the manifesto are the many reasons in which you should always vote for a PLIP representative at the ballot. Great work, Farage.

Kind Regards -
Chris Andrews
Deputy Party Leader
"You better not discriminate against us asians, I get my sister on you and she very sticky sir" - Jim Xuiwang
Wow, this is more detailed than the actual UKIP manifesto thing.
You're missing the denying climate change part tho :trande:
If the nazi org was not allowed then why would this be?
Seconded. UKIP are extremists who thinly veil their horrible views with pop politics. Would rate winner but on phone and I think I'm banned from ratings. So have a smily face :)
[DOUBLEPOST=1424041085,1424040494][/DOUBLEPOST]Ukip's candidate for South Basildon and East Thurrock was forced to resign after making a host of offensive remarks, that were revealed by the Mail on Sunday. Kerry Smith referred to gay Ukip members as "poofters" and spoke about shooting people on a "peasant hunt". Speaking on LBC , Nigel Farage said Smith was a "rough diamond" who "talks and speaks like a lot of people". He defended Smith's use of the word "chinky"

At the start of 2024, Ukip councillor David Silvester claimed the floods that were afflicting the country were caused by the government's decision to legalise gay marriage. Silvester claimed David Cameron moved in a direction that was "arrogantly against the Gospel", and would result in "disaster".

Farage said in an interview that people would be concerned if Romania and moved in next door. When asked what the difference was between having Romanians and Germans as next door neighbours, he replied "you know what the difference is".

Farrage suggested mothers breastfeeding in public should "sit in the corner" and that "It isn't too difficult to breastfeed a baby in a way that isn't ostentatious".

Also another direct quote from Farrage regarding his late arrival to an interview
"Nothing to do with professionalism. What is does have to do with is a country in which the population is going through the roof, chiefly because of open-door immigration, and the fact the M4 is not as navigable as it used to be."

Not to mention the UKIP calypso, bongo bongo land, sluts not cleaning behind their fridges and MEP Helmet equating homosexuality to incest.

Good night.
"All hail The Almighty Sam Duffy And All HAIL CAPRI SUN!" - Josh Morrison, PLIP Head Of Security
If the nazi org was not allowed then why would this be?
M god daymon, you're being stupid
What about me, Dani, and Sugavi? After all we are Jewish.
Join then, we got nothing against ya, but occassionally we do get nazi propaganda on our tvs, it's the Conservatives and Labour party hacking into us, we promise
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