Seconded. UKIP are extremists who thinly veil their horrible views with pop politics. Would rate winner but on phone and I think I'm banned from ratings. So have a smily face

[DOUBLEPOST=1424041085,1424040494][/DOUBLEPOST]Ukip's candidate for South Basildon and East Thurrock was forced to resign after making a host of offensive remarks, that were revealed by the Mail on Sunday. Kerry Smith referred to gay Ukip members as "poofters" and spoke about shooting people on a "peasant hunt". Speaking on LBC , Nigel Farage said Smith was a "rough diamond" who "talks and speaks like a lot of people". He defended Smith's use of the word "chinky"
At the start of 2024, Ukip councillor David Silvester claimed the floods that were afflicting the country were caused by the government's decision to legalise gay marriage. Silvester claimed David Cameron moved in a direction that was "arrogantly against the Gospel", and would result in "disaster".
Farage said in an interview that people would be concerned if Romania and moved in next door. When asked what the difference was between having Romanians and Germans as next door neighbours, he replied "you know what the difference is".
Farrage suggested mothers breastfeeding in public should "sit in the corner" and that "It isn't too difficult to breastfeed a baby in a way that isn't ostentatious".
Also another direct quote from Farage regarding his late arrival to an interview
"Nothing to do with professionalism. What is does have to do with is a country in which the population is going through the roof, chiefly because of open-door immigration, and the fact the M4 is not as navigable as it used to be."
Not to mention the UKIP calypso, bongo bongo land, sluts not cleaning behind their fridges and MEP Helmet equating homosexuality to incest.
Good night.
For the comments of "poofters". The person in question was talking in private with a friend whilst being eavesdropped on by a journalist. Although this doesn't excuse his actions, he wasn't exactly standing at a podium calling everyone names. Farage was stating that he had grown up in a council estate where this type of talk was common. However calling someone chinky is not Extremeism
The councillor who blamed flooding on gays was an embarrassment to us all. UKIP can't control the way everyone thinks and the individual clearly didn't represent UKIPS views. You should stop being so stereotypical and take what a handful of people say and generalise it to everyone. He has been removed from the party.
As for the breastfeeding incident Farage was speaking on behalf of people who find it uncomfortable. Some people don't like looking at boobs whilst they're trying to eat. He was trying to say to act more covertly and not just to go "bittie" stlye.
Again misinterpreted by the media.
His M4 quote came out wholly wrong. It is obvious he was trying to mention that increased immigration had led to a increased strain on transportation. I actually Listened to BBC3CR JVS Show where they had callers phone in and discuss this matter and during the hour I listened to it and out of the 35 odd callers, nearly all agreed that what he was trying to say had validity but it came out wrong.
UKIP calypso is not racist, there's nothing wrong with it. The Lyrics merely highlight a taboo in UK politics, as for the accent it may be horrible but speaking with an accent is not racist. The word racist is used too much. As for Godfrey Bloom and his Bongo Bongo land/Sluts comments, he's an elderly politician who has conservative views there's no denying that. However he too has been removed from UKIP as he doesn't represent the party.
As for Roger Helmer, again his words do not represent the party and he has been told to keep his personal opinions to himself. Other than this one case I would hardly call the other cases examples of Extremism. If you want extremism look at BNP,EDL or ISIS.
Now let's turn the tables shall we and take the same approach you do?
The case of the Conservative MP (Names hidden for some reason) who strangled a young boy at a sex party. Does this mean all of the Conservatives are Paedophiles?
Everyone was quick to dismiss Nigel Farage as "stupid and Racist" for his comments about Romanians in January 2014 but tell me how much media did a labour representative get when David Blunkett's warning that an influx of Roma migrants could lead to riots in Britain should be taken very seriously. Does this mean all of labour are racists?
People are very quick to state that some UKIP members used to be Ex-BNP/EDL (Despite the fact that upon joining you must agree "I am not and have never been a member of the British National Party, National Front, British Freedom Party, British People's Party, English Defence League, Britain First or the UK First Party.
UKIP reserves the right to reject applications or terminate memberships if these criteria are not met."). The Green party includes members from the British Communist party (Yes that exisits). How much news do they get? None.
Rather than hopping on the bandwagon I urge you to talk to MP's and MEP's from ALL PARTIES. In person or through E-Mail, rather than just getting your opinions based of the news and basing stereotypes on everyone.
If you have a reply to this I'd appreciate it if you do it in a private convo or on a new thread as I don't want this thread about a IC org to be spammed with a OOC political debate.