Paralake News

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Remember when that was a thing? The project has seemingly been abandoned, but I think with a little bit of love it could be made to work again. So, what do you guys think about it anyway, What could be done to keep this from happening again where the newspaper stays the same forever?
it was doomed from day 1

Sadly I got distracted with other things such as the PD and Staff team, plus I'd be more than happy to keep it rolling but sadly not enough reporters were submitting consistent content. I'd be happy to release the newspaper every 2 weeks, and bulk up an archive of stories & pay some people In Game money to do them.
Myself and Henk did attempt to help keep it going with ayjay, but like Ayjay had said we didn't have reporters creating content, so it became difficult to manage and keep running. If people are willing to put the effort in then I don't see any reason that it should fail, but until we have that it's difficult to say.
Myself and Henk did attempt to help keep it going with ayjay, but like Ayjay had said we didn't have reporters creating content, so it became difficult to manage and keep running. If people are willing to put the effort in then I don't see any reason that it should fail, but until we have that it's difficult to say.

I've been writing articles, I've got a third one that I should be able to submit tomorrow
I would like to volunteer and become a reporter , would be nice if you take me into consideration because I'm serious about it
Myself and Henk did attempt to help keep it going with ayjay, but like Ayjay had said we didn't have reporters creating content, so it became difficult to manage and keep running. If people are willing to put the effort in then I don't see any reason that it should fail, but until we have that it's difficult to say.

We indeed tried to kept it alive for a while, without success.

If people are willing to put the effort in then I don't see any reason that it should fail, but until we have that it's difficult to say.

I agree with this If we see more people joining and writing articles on a daily basis. We are more than happy to make new features with the ideas from the reporters

pay some people In Game money to do them.
I slightly agree with this idea, Maybe make it they get X amount of money for every published article
If you where to pay people money, you wouldn't get people putting effort into the articles. They would rush them out for a quick buck.
If you where to pay people money, you wouldn't get people putting effort into the articles. They would rush them out for a quick buck.
The thing is we have a team who reviews every article before publishing it to the newspaper. So if they write shitty articles without any effort we will just reject the article
The thing is we have a team who reviews every article before publishing it to the newspaper. So if they write shitty articles without any effort we will just reject the article

id be happy to review them for free, i like to read the paper and it attracts me to read if its popular.
I tryed my best to keep writing articles but its hard when a lot of stuff we would do was turned down, I wanted to do a live segment ie we record videos and do like a news broadcast thing
I tryed my best to keep writing articles but its hard when a lot of stuff we would do was turned down, I wanted to do a live segment ie we record videos and do like a news broadcast thing
We are always open for new ideas, If you want to explain this idea with further details, feel free to make a PM with me, @ayjay ツ , @roxie , @Appricey
What about we replace that God awful low res building next to the office with a paralake news studio, where you can work on articles, and we can have a broadcast studio that will work with render target cameras through the whole city? :D Talk about misguided optimism... But it'd be cool right?
What about we replace that God awful low res building next to the office with a paralake news studio, where you can work on articles, and we can have a broadcast studio that will work with render target cameras through the whole city? :D Talk about misguided optimism... But it'd be cool right?
I don't think this is possible since we are already on the map's limit, But hey a discussion post can be made ( :
This fucking newspaper is so fucking useless. No one fucking reads it we only use a fucking newspaper to read daily jokes esketit. But there are never jokes. You could check the taxes but who buys a newspaper if u can get a book. Newspapers are only used for decorations. sorry if i offend anyone. not
This fucking newspaper is so fucking useless. No one fucking reads it we only use a fucking newspaper to read daily jokes esketit. But there are never jokes. You could check the taxes but who buys a newspaper if u can get a book. Newspapers are only used for decorations. sorry if i offend anyone. not

I read the newspaper every time it got updated and used to constantly ask if the newspaper would be updated before when it still had the articles from V1