Server Suggestion Paralake Radio

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Suggestion Title: Paralake Radio
Suggestion Description: There should be a Paralake radio station hosted by players and admins on the server. It could play music, run interviews, run shows and have a phone in number to call. It could be run from a building, maybe a Bazaar shop or the suburbs, or a brand new place. It could only be accessed in game.

Why should this be added?:
- it would enable a free place for players to talk

What negatives could this have?:
- unsure

What problem would this suggestion solve?: N/A

It's been tried and tried again, but it ends up failing.

Your idea is good, it's been tried, even. About three seperate times. The first and second player-owned radio lasted a few months, the third got sued into shit and the fourth didn't come from the ground.

This has been tried over and over, but the host of the Paralake radio always ended up being too busy or gave up on the project.
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