Ello Perplovers 
I've been thinking of this for a while now. Lately , more and more , I see police vehicles racing down the roads , cutting corners , driving offroad , speeding , and pretty much ignoring every traffic rule in the book out of the city proper.
When I first joined this server I remember a road crew worker doing the same , so as I was playing a police officer , I pulled him over. It was then I found out you couldn't ticket government vehicles (I assume because of the fact no one really 'owns' them and they are spawned in by any employee) so I let him go with a 'warning'. This is when this issue first came to mind.
Pretty much the only thing you can do , to prevent government personel from doing things like this is contact the mayor and have said employee demoted. This isn't always possible though , due to the fact some mayors are more talkative then others, etc; ...
Right now I feel like too many government vehicles are allowed to walk straight over the traffic rules , and no one bothers doing anything about it anymore it seems , due to the fact you can't just pull them over and tell them off, because when you do they don't seem to be too bothered , knowing you can't ticket them anyways. Then again 'demotion' doesn't seem like a reasonable response to a mistake such as disobeying trafic laws.
So I wanted to ask , in the next map , are we going to be able to ticket or 'punish' government officials in any way other than having them demoted ? I feel that would encourage players occupying these jobs to stick to the traffic rules, and behave , if you will.
Your comment and opinion is , as always , greatly appreciated !

I've been thinking of this for a while now. Lately , more and more , I see police vehicles racing down the roads , cutting corners , driving offroad , speeding , and pretty much ignoring every traffic rule in the book out of the city proper.
When I first joined this server I remember a road crew worker doing the same , so as I was playing a police officer , I pulled him over. It was then I found out you couldn't ticket government vehicles (I assume because of the fact no one really 'owns' them and they are spawned in by any employee) so I let him go with a 'warning'. This is when this issue first came to mind.
Pretty much the only thing you can do , to prevent government personel from doing things like this is contact the mayor and have said employee demoted. This isn't always possible though , due to the fact some mayors are more talkative then others, etc; ...
Right now I feel like too many government vehicles are allowed to walk straight over the traffic rules , and no one bothers doing anything about it anymore it seems , due to the fact you can't just pull them over and tell them off, because when you do they don't seem to be too bothered , knowing you can't ticket them anyways. Then again 'demotion' doesn't seem like a reasonable response to a mistake such as disobeying trafic laws.
So I wanted to ask , in the next map , are we going to be able to ticket or 'punish' government officials in any way other than having them demoted ? I feel that would encourage players occupying these jobs to stick to the traffic rules, and behave , if you will.
Your comment and opinion is , as always , greatly appreciated !