Passive RP items

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Deleted member 3131

Description of the idea: Add passive RP items in the form of equippables (swep like) and regular food items.
Mainly the idea focuses on bringing other means of earning money to the players such as creating tobacco based products (farm could be used again !!!) or food (if you really want to) and more.
Functionality wise we are talking either about sweps such as cigarettes that players use, for RP, or bottles of alcohol (beer wine etc) that players hold and drink etc etc. Or ofc regular food items that they sinply click on and eat, (although you could make for example a chicken wing swep that has like 2 uses or whatever)

Why should this be added? (pros): Lots of cool and interesting passive RP and non violent crime (possibly bring ROLEPLAY back in the word "peRP")

What negatives could this have? (cons): very very few

*Other additions: nothing for now

*Images: this is a collection of pictures, it has nothing to do with PERP but you could make a PERP version of these items. code wise should be pretty easy too.
that's all.
Food doesnt need to be equitable like this imo but a cigar would be pretty good. The issue here is we could end up like those darkrp servers where people walk around grenadeposing 24/7 with vape pens and shit. It’d also only work photogenically and wouldnt do too much to encourage RP If food were like this.
i disagree with the RP though @BigBenji. As stated these "sweps" would be the final product, which is a cool and fun cosmetic item, at most with some effects if we add alcohol bottles (beer whisky etc). However these items could be buyable only form other players who have crafted them.
For instance the shop near docks could sell beer bottles (swep) and no longer cigarettes, which players will have the ability to crate by growing tobacco leaves in the farm area, drying them etc - INSERT CRAFTING PROCEDURE HERE- which then give you the items you crafted.

A pretty interesting way of producing wealth that does not derive from raids, crafting guns, drugs or jobs.
Sweps for cigarettes and beer have already been suggested here
I am against food items being a swep since having to equip a burger, select it, press left click and wait for the animation to finish would be pretty annoying after the second time you do it.
You also vaguely suggested some other RP items that would help with the economy but I am not sure what you mean exactly. Feel free to make another suggestion for those while going into more detail if you want.
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