Craftable hotdog stand item.

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Description of the idea:

Adding a craftable hotdog stand item to PERP.

The item should function as such:
- The item is placed and dropped as if it were a prop, and should be kept upright.
- Pressing E on the item as an owner will open a menu featuring a storage (which can only hold food and drink items) as well as a slider and a text box. Pressing E on it with storage access will just allow you to access its storage.
- The text box will display text on front portion of the Stand, in a similar way planter box text screens work.
- The slider will change the skin of the stand.
- The stand should function as a cash register also (allows users to price tag items).

The item should be used as such:
- Players craft or purchase their stand.
- They then take the stand to a bakery or diner to stock up on food items, storing them inside the stand.
- They then find a spot to place their stand and place it there
- They set the skin of their stand to their desired product, set a name, turn on a radio (not included) and wait for customers!

The stand should have the following changeable skins to cater for the game modes food items:
- Hot dog stand featuring hot dog pictures and the word “hot dogs” (yellow and red)
- Burger stand, featuring pictures of burgers and the word “burgers” (blue and yellow)
- Chinese takeout box stand, with Chinese writing and a noodle bowl on it. (White and black)
- drink stand similar to a Coca Cola stand (Red)
- Fish stand with a picture of a fish on it(blue and white to resemble fish and chip stalls)
- A ”coffee” sign with a picture of a steamy coffee (dark green with white illustrations and text)
- Generic food stand design with the word “food and drinks” written on it (Plain yellow)

Other possible additions could include:
- A possible toggleable “grill“ function to cook fish on in the same way as stoves maybe?
- Maybe a price board could be added so people can display prices?

Countermeasures for abuse:
- Only food items should be storable inside this item
- Players shouldnt be able to stand on top this item to leverage themselves onto roofs.
- The item shouldn’t be bulletproof.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Realistic
- Allows people to have food stands
- Good RP item

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Potential for minor misuse?

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