Rank for: Passive RP

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Description of the idea: Add passive RP Rol which is an invisible rank. You can apply for this on rank the perpheads forums. If you application is accepted you will receive the rank of ‘Passive RP.’ This rank is not visible for other players (so no fancy colours). But upon receiving the rank the player his prop limit is increased.

I think there should be conditions applying if you want to receive the rank.

For example:
-Just must have the intention to use your new powers for passive RP.
-You must have made a reasonable amount of impact with passive RP on the server before.
-Abuse of the higher propolimed will result in a demiton.
-To rank is invisible so people won’t do it for the new color on their fyshgun but because they are motivated to participate in passive RP.

Why should this be added?: Right now we see an increase in passive RP in Perpheads. I believe passive RP is absolutely vital for a healthy server. If you want to keep encouraging people to join. However the proplimted in perp never helped passive RP in perp. For example: I can not build Trapani Pasta on my own without the help of @Josef Stalin . Because I will reach the prop limed before my creation is finished. Therefore I never open Trapani Pasta without Josef. I belive more people experience this problem.

  • Encourages passive RP by making it easier to create stuff
  • Better passive RP

*side not, you can still grow, passive RP is not a full time job. But use your new power responsible.


-Higher prolimit means more lagg.
-People only using their proplimed for bases

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I don't understand how someone could "abuse" having more props available to place.
Just increase the prop limit for VIP users? (if that's not how it currently works anyway)
The prop limed you get with VIP is nog high enough for some people. Those People can make a request to recieve an even higher one.
Then increase the limit for the VIPs, how many props do you need to place.
This comment was made to express my will to rate this reply as "old" due to the fact that I stated the exact same thing in my reply above since I do not have the power to actually rate this reply as "old".
This comment was made to express my will to rate this reply as "old" due to the fact that Lelios stated the exact same thing in his reply above since I do not have the power to actually rate this reply as "old".
No more ranks please, everytime I open the rank menu my eyes hurt..

If we focus on the higher prop limit part.
Having a rank for this is not an ideal solution, as this would give everyone holding this rank free Premium. And as I’m sure you understand, the money gathered from Premium sales are used to run the server and websites. We already have enough people that got free premium... The reason for this is as we give Premium via a SCAM permission that ranks have. So on the rank Guest this would be turned off as they are non Premium, and for Premium and above it’s turned on.

If we want to give specific players a higher prop limit I would suggest a temporary whitelist instead, where a member of the Community Team could grant a higher prop limit for that day, and upon server restart it would reset. This would be a pretty easy implementation as no database storage would be required.

@Ayjay your thoughts?
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