Description of the idea: Pepper spray that when used ticks down like a fire extinguisher and causes the persons vision to be blurred like right after a heavy accident. To prevent op-ness the range should be low (4-5 peoples length).
We've had 3 riots today as of this post and 2-3 before that just this month. We need a way to deal with them in a realistic way without killing them.
This will only blind/blur vision like after an accident. No damage, no long term effects, just a blinding spray for riots that is un-useable in combat.
Why should this be added? (pros):
- Non lethal take downs.
- An item used by police arsenals in the real world.
- Realistic riot response.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Abuseable.
- Will be op if not implemented properly.
Note: I will personally model, and texture the pepper spray bottle at no cost if this gets accepted. Simply set me a vertex limit and what you would like and i will do it. I have atleast 100 hours in blender.
We've had 3 riots today as of this post and 2-3 before that just this month. We need a way to deal with them in a realistic way without killing them.
This will only blind/blur vision like after an accident. No damage, no long term effects, just a blinding spray for riots that is un-useable in combat.
Why should this be added? (pros):
- Non lethal take downs.
- An item used by police arsenals in the real world.
- Realistic riot response.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Abuseable.
- Will be op if not implemented properly.
Note: I will personally model, and texture the pepper spray bottle at no cost if this gets accepted. Simply set me a vertex limit and what you would like and i will do it. I have atleast 100 hours in blender.