Community Suggestion Perma Ban Alts

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Parts Unknown
Suggestion Title: Perma Ban Alts
Suggestion Description: At the moment, if you alt - your alt account gets a Perma ban and only if an admin manually amends, the primary account will not be affected.

I propose we change it so that if you alt during a ban, your main account is also Permanently banned.

This way there is a real punishment for trying to avoid punishment.

Why should this be added?:
- Bans people taking the piss

What negatives could this have?:
-potential for some incorrect bans placed
Suggestion Title: Perma Ban Alts
Suggestion Description: At the moment, if you alt - your alt account gets a Perma ban and only if an admin manually amends, the primary account will not be affected.

I propose we change it so that if you alt during a ban, your main account is also Permanently banned.

This way there is a real punishment for trying to avoid punishment.

Why should this be added?:
- Bans people taking the piss

What negatives could this have?:
-potential for some incorrect bans placed
Depending on the ban reason it could go either way - I personally think a permanent ban for evading a 1 week ban is quite excessive; however an extension to the 1 week making it a 1 month or something seems perfectly viable to me, however if somebody alts a year ban or something, seems perfectly fine in my opinion for that persons ban to extended to permanent
Depending on the ban reason it could go either way - I personally think a permanent ban for evading a 1 week ban is quite excessive; however an extension to the 1 week making it a 1 month or something seems perfectly viable to me, however if somebody alts a year ban or something, seems perfectly fine in my opinion for that persons ban to extended to permanent
I agree, but think it would be hard to implement like that. Unless if they can do a ban multiplier?

Perma on the other hand would 1) be a deterrent for allying 2) force them to accept their mistakes and apologise
Depending on the ban reason it could go either way - I personally think a permanent ban for evading a 1 week ban is quite excessive; however an extension to the 1 week making it a 1 month or something seems perfectly viable to me, however if somebody alts a year ban or something, seems perfectly fine in my opinion for that persons ban to extended to permanent
This is how we do things as of now but I do agree with Goonsberg here, it doesnt really matter what the length of your original ban is, if you purposely try to ban evade you know very well what you are doing and it's a situation, right now, with low risk but high reward if you dont get caught.

I am down to see people who attempt to ban evade receive a much harsher punishment from the get go
We used to extend peoples bans who ban evade, but were told to stop a while ago for minor bans. I personally think this should come back into play
Way too harsh imo. Should be a 3-6 month extension at first and perma ban on second offence.
If you ban evade it shows a clear disregard for the community and the rules and your main account should get a permanent ban imo. Would love to see this in action
I disagree, a small extension maybe as it is another rulebreak but it isn’t that deep, some people are just genuinely desperate to play again and don’t think about the repercussions. As for trolls, do whatever.
way too harsh, this mistake was mad elsewhere in other communities and now it's dead. Not a good idea
Do you have any examples and factual evidence that the ban of alt accounts is the reason those communities died?

If you ban evade you will most likely receive a couple months long ban that would be the average amount of time the Admin Team expects you to be banned before considering an appeal (even if the ban is permanent). Having this implemented would work in 3 ways:

1 - Punish those that are breaking the rules on purpose
2 - Guarantee that only those who really want to play come back as they have to go through an appeal
3 - Serve as a deterrent for people who receive lower bans

I really don't see how this can be a problem, it does not matter if it's first or second offense, ban evading can't really be done unintentionally, the goal is pretty clearly to break the rules so might aswell receive a harsh punishment.
I think thats a good idea, however the apologies for such bans should be considered in favour of the offender if its not a repeated offence, and should not shorten the ban, and maybe just make it longer.
I think thats a good idea, however the apologies for such bans should be considered in favour of the offender if its not a repeated offence, and should not shorten the ban, and maybe just make it longer.

I don’t want to see less members of the community but more harsher punishments for those who flout the rules.

Those who evade will have to come with their tail between their legs to apologise
way too harsh, this mistake was mad elsewhere in other communities and now it's dead. Not a good idea
I haven't seen any communities die like that can you provide a couple please?
I disagree, a small extension maybe as it is another rulebreak but it isn’t that deep, some people are just genuinely desperate to play again and don’t think about the repercussions. As for trolls, do whatever.
People know better then to ban evade its common sense. If you ban evade you are more then willing to continue to disregard the rules and shouldn't be welcome in the community unless the admin team feels like you can be forgivin in the admin meeting.