I do not speak for others here and I am posting this merely to begin a conversation; far too many people in recent weeks/months have been leaving or taking breaks from the community on the basis of mental health.
In some, people say that the community or server has played a part on affecting their mental health and I generally wanted to gather responses on the following;
- What is causing you to leave perp, whether it be short or long term;
- What do you feel are the top three factors in affecting you in relation to the community, if at all;
- Have you noticed signs of diminishing mental health (low self-esteem, struggling socially, feeling down etc)
- What can the management, staff team and community potentially do?
Whilst this is by no means offering an immediate solution, I do want to start an open conversation.
Please keep the replies respectful. By no means is anybody obliged to respond, nor should they feel targeted or harassed for doing so.
TLDR: Mental health problems because of Addictive Gameplay, Toxicity, lot of Bans, Grind will feel pointless and the Skill Gap.
This will be quite some text, I understand if ye don't read it all. But if ye do, much appreciated.
I think its down to a few factors:
Addictive gameplay, we all know PERP can be a huge timesink. Making money takes alot of hours. That paired with really engaging gameplay makes for an addictive recipe. Anything thats addictive will make other aspects of life deteriorate. Peeps take less effort to take care of irl stuff. Sometimes it amazes me to see a 15 y'old kid play for legit 34 hours straight. Months back before I left there was a 'new' player who had such a long bender. So long that staff legit noticed and said like dude maybe take a break.
Plain Toxicity (real or imaginary). PERP toxic? Rhetorical question. If you sink so much time into the game and are, or feel like you are, a victim of toxic behaviour. It can become really demanding for the brain. Especially for the younger ones among us. Peeps make so much effort to make a lil bit of money and think they are being picked by better players. Constantly getting raided etc. Other than the getting targeted aspect you have just plain toxic lads who act mean altogether. Personally idc bout toxicity, I enjoy the RP aspect of it and getting a nemesis. But I understand how peeps who just want to plain casually and passively (passively as in not diehard constant battling and squeezing every penny and minute efficiently), can get burned out and/or become toxic themselves.
So many bans, alot of peeps get banned. And banned often lol. Eventhough I have no clue how some dudes can get banned more than a handful of times over many years. Especially if I compare it to myself, like 37 days played. Being playing since 2017 on and off. And 0 bans to date. Only a few warnings where some of them aren't really justified, but too lazy to dispute m lol. But banning peeps means the remaining peeps lose their friends ingame. Which in turn means they have less protection whilst basing making them lose more and just losing a friend to play with can ruin your fun altogether.
This point is sadly the result of the peeps themselves causing it, but could also be because feeling targeted and/or being treated by toxic lads. In turn resulting in them doing dumb stuff cuz of being mad getting m banned. (mad cuz bad)
The grind makes no sense after a while, goals disappear/change after time. I understand that for new players this point is invalid. But for the more experienced players its probably more relatable. Getting your first 1M+ car can feel like an eternity and gives you a clear goal to make money for. Another big goal for people is their firearms level. Even though I suggest new players to lay of the firearms grind initially, because it costs a shit ton and selling the crafted stuff back can take an eternity where you have to wait and are at a standstill. I do understand why making guns is fun and keeps you going. But after reaching max firearms and you have your first nice car it can feel kinda like you finished the grind. Most peeps start saving up for a 2M+ car after. But soon realize that the grind was more fun than actually buying the car. Same can be said for the firearms grind. Once you hit max you get the feeling of "what now". And getting that 2M+ car is like a hard reset if you take into account how many hours it took you to get the 1M+ car.
All in all its the sense of lacking real catharsis and real tangible reward (this is a very debatable point and varies from person to person)
Skill Gap, I personally don't experience this issue (not saying I'm a good player but above average). But I hear and have heard a lot of peeps complaining about some orgs and players being too OP. Take a look at ASDA before the org update. They clearly dominated everyone and made the ZERG (50 active members orgs) meta like a naturally developing response to them. Combining multiple elite players can feel like inevitable doom for the solo players/small orgs.
What can STAFF do to fix this? Not a lot mostly, it's sadly part of the game mode imo. Staff could however like kindoff talk with the peeps experiencing mental issues. But then again I can imagine staff not wanting to spend so much time playing psychiatrist, which in turn also makes it so they can't fulfill their tasks properly resulting in peeps getting mad that their f6's take 5 mins to get responded to instead of 3 mins.
This will sound like acting late to the party but the main reason I wanted to become helper back then was to kinda help peeps with issues like this. And help new players get a proper start without having to experience too many problems/irritations. Thats also why in my return post I stated that if peeps want to talk outside of the server bout stuff they can contact me. Still offering the services I would fulfill as helper but without the rank. Win win pretty much. Staff don't have to deal with me

and I still help some peeps out relieving them of some workload.
I'd like to once again offer my services to peeps who just want to talk bout anything, PERP related or not. So feel free to add me on steam or send me a message on the forums.