PERPHeads Community Meeting (08/05/2020)

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Professional Stripper
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Hopefully it was constructive and all the feedback doesnt get swept under a rug


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Leeds, England.
Good morning guys!

I'd first of all like to apologize for my absence yesterday, I've had some unexpected personal issues arise over the past few days & sadly I did not have time to host the meeting as planned yesterday evening. I'd like to thank @Bolli for taking my place and primarily hosting this meeting, and of course another thanks to everyone that asked/answered questions. I'm going to spend a few hours today going over the audio, transcribing and detailing the issues you guys have raised and then start to draft plans on how best to approach each issue.

Over the next few days, we will be releasing a public roadmap which will detail what each team (administration, community/development) will be doing over the next 3 months. I believe that outlining our plans on a short term basis (quarterly) rather than accepting suggestions to then promise to deliver on them at 'some point' in the future will work better and allow us to actually perform what we say we are going to.

Our roadmap will not be limited to just server development however, each team will be given more tools to ensure that their workflow is efficient and works as well as possible. It's important that we not only say that we're going to solve issues and implement new change, but that we also explain exactly what we are going to do to actually get there.

I hope that this community meeting was in some way worth while, from what I have been told there was a decent amount of discussion, I hope that we can use a bunch of that to start the bettering old practices and work toward improving the community as a whole.

Just a sidenote: I will be back in full swing of things in terms of my activity ASAP, if you need anything or would like to discuss any questions you didn't get answered at the community meeting, then feel free to PM me on the forums.

- Ayjay
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