PERPheads Record Attempts - Submissions


Reaction score
Leeds, England.

Well then, I thought I'd like to do something with you guys as a little bit of a community passtime. So, I've decided to make the community records.

The community awards are pretty much submissions from the community of you guys doing something out of the box and completley different to everyone else to get in with the chance of winning.

Make sure when giving your submissions you're as creative as possible, and think outside of the box to gain a bigger prize.

OOC Name: 'AyJay'
In-Game Name: 'AyJay Harlem'

Record Name: '1 Minute Bank Robbery'
Link to Submission: ''

Note:: Make sure you ONLY post submissions on this thread. Always include a link to your video.

How to vote:
Positive ratings on the post will count towards the person who has submitted the video, etc winning a banner and a prize. The videos with the most amount of positive ratings will recieve judging and then the top 3 will recieve an in-game amount of money and a forum banner like the one below.

Good luck! The competition closes 06/03/2015
OOC Name: Amr Assar

IN-GAME name:James Bird

Record name: Fourm Bat (fastest person to reach 50+ likes and junior member in 3 and a half weeks on the website)

Link to submission: my Web account
OOC Name: Shamwow (@ChewKokLong420)
In-Game Name: 'Hung Chow'

Record Name: Most time spent on death screen
Link to Submission:

Today (01/03/15), Chow died a total of 27 times

OOC Name: 'Niko'
In-Game Name: 'Jared Fillerton'

Record Name: 'Killed most robbers as SWAT'
Link to Submission:
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OOC Name: Bolli
In-Game Name: Isaac Crow

Record Name: Most time played on the server, Days: 141 Hours:20 Minutes:26

Link to Submission:
Couple'a forum ones, considering theres not many submissions.

OOC Name: @Swiper The Fox
In-game Name: Steven Arnott
Link to Submission:

Record name: Most positive ratings.

OOC Name: Mr. Revenge
Link to Submission:

Record name: Most Negative Ratings
OOC Name: 'Sky-Walker'
In-Game Name: 'Ben Walker'

Record Name: 'Most Stealth in one raid'
Link to Submission: '
OOC Name: Leffe
In-Game Name: Jesse Zaiger

Record Name: Most cops killed in 1 second
Link to Submission:

video will be added tomorrow
OOC Name: 'Chris' @Chris
In-Game Name: 'Chris Andrews'

Record Name: 'Best Oncologist'


OOC Name: 'Tomhillm8' @ThomasGeorge AND 'Chris' @Chris AND 'Murtsley' @Murtsley
In-Game Name: 'Thomas George' AND 'Chris Andrews' AND 'Dalton Jefferson'

Record Name: 'Best Funeral Directors' OR 'Best F100 Drivers' (if you feel like excluding Fagsley)


OOC Name: 'Chris' @Chris
In-Game Name: 'Chris Andrews'

Record Name: 'Most Effortless Sweatervest Kill'


OOC Name: 'Chris' @Chris
In-Game Name: 'Chris Andrews'

Record Name: 'Best at pissing off Luke'


OOC Name: @Luke
In-Game Name: 'Luke Person'

Record Name: 'Best 'Non Aggressive Pursuit''

(starts at 1m55s)

OOC Name: @Fexxe
In-Game Name: Michael Witteman

Record Name: 'Nicest Coq'
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