Mental health issues in PH.
I decided that I'm going to make this thread because a few people that I know personally have this "hidden" depression or hiding that they're actually stressed but the fact that they're hiding it can cause the person to become stressed and feel that they're physically incapable of finding support as they may find their mental illness embarrassing or could potentially be shy.
Now depending on your mental issue it could be from many different causes this could be intellectual problems, physical problems or actually emotional and this may have been because of a bad upbringing or just you're development as a young adult and you may feel as if everything is against "you".
Different types of mental health issues are below:
- Bipolar

Now the major problem which I have faced myself when discovering someone you love suffers from a mental health issue is absolutely heart breaking, you're sitting there one day and then your heart drops and you breath heavily waiting to find news that someone you love has either passed away or attempted to take their own life and the thought of this is disgusting, I used to know a guy and too be honest he looked as if he was find and actually he wasn't he always used to come and talk about his cats and how he'd love to work with animals however it came to a very big discovery that in December last year he hung himself. This man lived alone and no one ever knew in our road that he was depressed and I hope you come clean at the end if you do suffer from mental health issues.

However what I'm going to offer is actually some support for that person to come and talk to anyone or actually feel welcome and tell people about how their day has been or to actually speak about what problems they may face just to make them feel as if they're the same as us which they are as they're just normal people.
Like I said above, everybody needs help at some point in life and this is what I'm saying just tell people what you're suffering with and don't let it be hidden.
PH is with you all the way.
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