Perpheads V6 Expectations

*server goes down, announcement post goes up*

"Update Log - Paralake_V6 release"

*joins server, takes a while to connect because every perp player is desperately scrambling to get a slot and play the new map*

*map finally loads in, screen is black, suddenly you hear a voice*

Hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.


Damn you Todd you did it again
Erm v6 yeah uh kos cops, ten toes, slums 4 defenders inside, /y PLPD DROP YOUR WEAPONS!, Bank Robbery, what’s your badge number black screen mald roleplay bazaar shop casino maybe?
wait you guys didnt know its already released, look here

Click me for V6
Looks a little more source than engine.

New combat yes any style other then current, 3 weapons feel usable, the age of the system is showing - its also kinda movement diff convo.
No new jobs needed, unless perhaps they rewarded/expanded on the user experience
Why new currency? Just invest in orgs at XQ Bank
Rules are fine, but idk how the page goes as long and far as it does without something at the top that just reads "please make sure you read 3.4/3.6, read the guides,"
PD is fine (other then it's double-jeopardy bureaucracy), no comments
No optimization requests (except weirdly - and I know it's more a problem with the game not server but I would like my character to properly sit in their vehicle. idk why but it's bothered me with since childhood, and yes I'm a first-person freak in vehicles, no questions allowed)
Expecting a new map, had 3 of my old suggestions accepted a while ago, so potentially apartments on top of shops, houseboats at any sort of dock location, and a farm house I believe if farm is still a thing. IM TAKING ALL THE CREDIT