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Topic: Pets

Short explanation (in notes):
-Animals you can own

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Because I think that pets would add more realism to the server. It would also mean that a lot of unpopular players could still have friends in the game, pets. There could be dogs, cats, snakes, etc.
I have also asked a lot of my friends about what they think of this and a lot of them have said that they think it would be cool to walk around with a dog or cat by your side.
This would basically be a normal version of the "Watermelon friend" mod.
Also, as Paralake V3 is still a work in progress, I put this up now because then, if this gets accepted, the owner that creates the maps (I dont know who does what yet.) could add a veterinary surgeon where you could take your pet to heal, or the pound where you can claim your pet (Basically the pound would work as a garage for pets). And, if a pet dies, you could call a vet (It could be a job for other players, much like the medic but for pets) to come and revive your pet. If that does not work, you will have to wait a short amount of time for your pet to revive in the pound, then you will have to go there to pick it up.
Also, you could press E on the pet to make it stay where it is, then you can press E on it to make it follow you.

Optional additions:
-Add the ability to play with your pet via dog toys from a pet shop
-Pet shop
-The ability to train some pets to attack certain people upon command.
"Let's raid, c'mon doggie!" - Doggy is an AI that is stuck in a wall.

This idea, as Frank said is way to excessive, it is not needed at all. Anyways, how would they get around the map along with you? What if they just ran into a road, getting run over and wrecking the poor person's car.
EDIT : How would they be killed? Their hitboxes could be way to small to hit. Using them to attack people would be abused the shit out of.0

Edit V2 -, this has already been suggested and denied. This is also very similar to this thread , which was also denied
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If you guys would read what I said properly, this WOULD work, because all they would have to do is modify the Watermelon Friend mod, so that the Watermelon Friend is a cat or a dog, and doesn't roll all over the place. It would be simple, really, compared to what they've done before for this server.
We don't really need pets on the server and I believe it has already been suggested + source engine wouldn't work well with pets
Same as with this thread
Completely useless as not only does GMod not have good AI prebuilt for something like this, they would serve no meaningful purpose other than create more lag and generally just be in the way. I could make the list of reasons against go on for a long time but suffice to say, there's no way this will happen. Denied
No, I am against the idea of adding pets into PERP. They'd be used just for raiding anyways if you have trained them to command to attack a person and really is just generally a bad idea. I can probably list many more reasons but the one's stated by @StephenPuffs in the quote above should already be enough.
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