Community Shitpost #4

Reaction score

In this update we are pleased to announce the launch of paralake V5! This community has been around for almost 8 years and we are really proud of what we have achieved due to @Fredy and @Bolli We will list down the updates coming at the next restart.

Server rules:

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk​

This rule will now change to 3.4 Doesn't exist!!! IF PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE CAN AVOID GUNPOINT, YOU CAN!!!! FREEDOM

New suggestion!
PLPD AND Criminals will now work together as allies fighting the Army of israel who took over the city (apply for Army ranks over Here .

The drugssystem will be reverted to the old Pot system, where u do not have to do such work going to fill up water like your in Africa!

Map changes:
Thanks to @rogue Roundabouts got added at the intersection and suburbs.

Suburbs got tankstation now, u can get your fuel at suburbs.

Park got removed (was useless asf), We now got groove street instead of the suburbs houses.

Petshop: You can now go buy a dog or cat as your pet, you have to purchase a property in order to buy them. They will stay in your inventory, and yes you can feed them, and name them some stupid name like Peter Wolf @Collier sorry.
The almighty and powerful Luke Person never believed in rule 3.4, he said and I'll quote "If someone shoots at you and you escape then you didn't break 3.4, if you died, you broke 3.4". Lmao.
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