Photon: Emergency & Car Lighting Engine

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Topic: A better lighting & siren system for emergency vehicles.

Short explanation (in notes):
- It is a better lighting system then the current one we are using.
- Has better sirens, and more options then the current sirens.
- The mod comes with skins that say NYPD and such, which we could perhaps switch out with a Paralake Police Department skin? or maybe just add the unmarked cruiser as an easy fix. (Can also check out the custom skins that come with the cars itself.)

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Right now the police vehicles don't look very nice. The lights are a bit simple and the LED bar on the top of the cars look okay, but it could be better. This addon comes with vehicles, such as the Tahoe, an unmarked Impala (i believe it is an Impala) and 10-15 more vehicles. In my opinion it would make the roleplay a bit better seeing this light and siren system.

Link to the workshop mod:
So let me get this straight, you think roleplay would be improved based on a different lighting effect? On what possible basis are you saying this if you don't mind me asking?

Our current system may be relatively basic admittedly, but I don't see much reason to go through the hassle of trying to implement some new 3rd party tool for no real gain in my opinion.

Additionally, you make it sound like this would then make us want to include undercover vehicles, the reason we don't add those has nothing to do with setting up lighting effects. Read the reasons under the denied section to gain a better understanding.
In my personal opinion, the server should be original and have own modifications / plugins and others.
What you demonstrated the here is really nice . But do not forget that the server has 50 times better lights.
The lights are designed to improve visibility for the driver of the vehicle and other road users.
Lights need to be as they are .

Neutral towards -Support.
Topic: A better lighting & siren system for emergency vehicles.
This addon comes with vehicles, such as the Tahoe, an unmarked Impala (i believe it is an Impala) and 10-15 more vehicles.
No thanks. The lights and sirens we have are fine, and you dont need 6 different sirens to move along a road to an emergency.. And a little police department like our does not need 10-15 different vehicles. It's cheaper to have the same type of cars than having all sort of different ones for such a considered small department.
+suport - I hope it gets added IN THE FUTURE just because it looks nice and eventually there will be time to add it if it doesn't cause lag.
StephenPuffs said:
So let me get this straight, you think roleplay would be improved based on a different lighting effect? On what possible basis are you saying this if you don't mind me asking?

Our current system may be relatively basic admittedly, but I don't see much reason to go through the hassle of trying to implement some new 3rd party tool for no real gain in my opinion.

Additionally, you make it sound like this would then make us want to include undercover vehicles, the reason we don't add those has nothing to do with setting up lighting effects. Read the reasons under the denied section to gain a better understanding.

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