Police Suggestion Plain Clothes - Incentive for Undercover Units

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Suggestion Title: Plain Clothes - Incentive for Undercover Units
Suggestion Description: I saw a suggestion for more unmarked vehicles be denied for lack of the current ones being used and I think the main issues with that is the limit on them as I always prefer to use one but one is already out and you can’t get more until a policy is put in. But also the fact that it is really easy to identify a police officer, the amount of times I’ve responded with no lights and sirens giving me a few extra seconds of not being realised but then they have already either lit me up or ran off because of the uniform, so make it an ability for RTU to go plain clothes only while using an undercover unit, it can be set outfits so no one’s going in a suit and top hat but giving us that option would allow for much better undercover work

Why should this be added?:
- it will bring a whole new change to undercover vehicles and role play
Allow officers an advantage over stolen vehicles or wanted vehicles

What negatives could this have?:
- it may cause confusion if an undercover officer responds to a raid as the defender may think it’s a raider, however that could be solved by modelling a badge on the waistband on the set outfits or putting a radio in the back pockets. A policy could also be written that they are not to respond to raids or at least be first on scene.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: It would bring better police role play and give the PLPD the element of surprise that they lack currently, and would also give an incentive to use unmarked vehicles
I'm gonna take over this suggestion and suggest two ways undercover could have a purpose, be balanced, and make it fun.
Secondary Division: Detective Bureau


  • Requirements:
  • Corporal
  • Not in TFU
  • Pass a written and practical exam

  • Access to:
  • Handcuffs
  • Radio
  • Sidearm (Taurus 605, Makarov, 1911, something small and realistically concealable)
  • Unique unmarked cars (crown vic, 2012 charger)
  • A light armour vest that can be equipped, bearing POLICE and the officer’s badge no. so they’re not mistaken for a suspect by fellow officers from afar.
  • Clothes restricted to suit pants, black/brown formal shoes, and either a suit jacket, sweater, formal vest, or formal shirt (full clothes colour choice, but policies prohibiting stupid colours)
  • Super-duper DNA tool, which allows them to see the last person to handle a dropped firearm, as well as the last person to drive a vehicle, and the last person to successfully break into a door. (maybe only for crowbars, idk)

  • Duties:
  • Stakeouts
  • Stings
  • Evidence Gathering at cold scenes, or assisting officers with confusing post-raid cleanup situations
  • Most regular calls, provided no other officer is immediately available

  • Special Circumstances:
  • Are police officers, with all powers and duties therein, and are identified as such even when not wearing vest, by badge and blue nameplate.
  • Only two detectives can be on-duty at one time
  • Counters:
  • Don’t steal cars (once chop shop becomes a thing this will be a welcome deterrent)
  • Hide stolen cars after you abandon them
  • Bobby pin doors instead of crowbarring to prevent leaving DNA behind
  • Avoid multiple people handling dropped weapons
  • Ditch weapons used in crimes at high traffic areas, where people are likely to steal them and overwrite the prints
  • Why should we add this:
  • Cause I’ve been watching too much NYPD blue and I wanna be andy sipowicz but less racist
  • Unmarked cars that are actually normal instead of a bunch of weird shit like Golf GTI or Mitsubishi
  • Make sense of confusing he-said she-said situations and be able to tie people to weapons properly
  • Give people a reason not to apply for TFU
  • Actually have proof that someone stole a car when they’ve abandoned it, which would likely lead to less abandoned stolen cars everywhere
  • Give people a reason to surprise raid by bobby pinning
Secondary Division: Anti-Crime Unit

Plainclothes Officer:

  • Requirements:
  • Senior Officer
  • Taser Training
  • Pass a written and practical exam

  • Access to:
  • Handcuffs
  • Radio
  • Taser
  • Sidearm
  • Unmarked Car
  • A light armour vest that can be equipped, bearing POLICE and the officer’s badge no. so they’re not mistaken for a suspect by fellow officers from afar.

  • Duties:
  • Stakeouts
  • Stings
  • General observation and reporting
  • Most regular calls

  • Special Circumstances:
  • Are police officers, with all powers and duties therein, and are identified as such even when not wearing vest, by neck badge and blue nameplate.
Undercover Officer:

  • Requirements:
  • Corporal
  • Already be in Anti-Crime Unit
  • Authorised by supervisor+ for specific mission (etc. mingling and identifying wanted suspects without spooking them)

  • Access to:
  • Sidearm (self-protection only) (something with a low capacity, such as taurus 605, ppk, Makarov, 1911)
  • Fake Name (So they can’t be misidentified as themselves by orgmates) (Obviously fake name would be logged in staff logs to prevent abuse)
  • Unmarked Car, in which they can access government radio and computer (No portable radio on foot)

  • Duties:
  • Supervisor-Authorised missions only, such as: observing suspects at bazaar, assisting with a sting, etc.

  • Special Circumstances:
  • Can be handcuffed by any rank, and when searched, officer will find badge.
  • When searched if ziptied, badge is found then too.
  • Can not go to regular calls (has no radio or handcuffs, only a firearm for personal defence.)
  • Are indistinguishable from civilians, though can be identified via searching, or by people knowing what you sound like.

I've had this shit written for months and I've thought it all out. I think only one of these options should be added, as to add both would be needlessly overcomplicated, but I really like the detective bureau idea.

There is no TL;DR, it's just not complicated.
I'm gonna take over this suggestion and suggest two ways undercover could have a purpose, be balanced, and make it fun.
Secondary Division: Detective Bureau


  • Requirements:
  • Corporal
  • Not in TFU
  • Pass a written and practical exam

  • Access to:
  • Handcuffs
  • Radio
  • Sidearm (Taurus 605, Makarov, 1911, something small and realistically concealable)
  • Unique unmarked cars (crown vic, 2012 charger)
  • A light armour vest that can be equipped, bearing POLICE and the officer’s badge no. so they’re not mistaken for a suspect by fellow officers from afar.
  • Clothes restricted to suit pants, black/brown formal shoes, and either a suit jacket, sweater, formal vest, or formal shirt (full clothes colour choice, but policies prohibiting stupid colours)
  • Super-duper DNA tool, which allows them to see the last person to handle a dropped firearm, as well as the last person to drive a vehicle, and the last person to successfully break into a door. (maybe only for crowbars, idk)

  • Duties:
  • Stakeouts
  • Stings
  • Evidence Gathering at cold scenes, or assisting officers with confusing post-raid cleanup situations
  • Most regular calls, provided no other officer is immediately available

  • Special Circumstances:
  • Are police officers, with all powers and duties therein, and are identified as such even when not wearing vest, by badge and blue nameplate.
  • Only two detectives can be on-duty at one time

  • Counters:
  • Don’t steal cars (once chop shop becomes a thing this will be a welcome deterrent)
  • Hide stolen cars after you abandon them
  • Bobby pin doors instead of crowbarring to prevent leaving DNA behind
  • Avoid multiple people handling dropped weapons
  • Ditch weapons used in crimes at high traffic areas, where people are likely to steal them and overwrite the prints

  • Why should we add this:
  • Cause I’ve been watching too much NYPD blue and I wanna be andy sipowicz but less racist
  • Unmarked cars that are actually normal instead of a bunch of weird shit like Golf GTI or Mitsubishi
  • Make sense of confusing he-said she-said situations and be able to tie people to weapons properly
  • Give people a reason not to apply for TFU
  • Actually have proof that someone stole a car when they’ve abandoned it, which would likely lead to less abandoned stolen cars everywhere
  • Give people a reason to surprise raid by bobby pinning
Secondary Division: Anti-Crime Unit

Plainclothes Officer:

  • Requirements:
  • Senior Officer
  • Taser Training
  • Pass a written and practical exam

  • Access to:
  • Handcuffs
  • Radio
  • Taser
  • Sidearm
  • Unmarked Car
  • A light armour vest that can be equipped, bearing POLICE and the officer’s badge no. so they’re not mistaken for a suspect by fellow officers from afar.

  • Duties:
  • Stakeouts
  • Stings
  • General observation and reporting
  • Most regular calls

  • Special Circumstances:
  • Are police officers, with all powers and duties therein, and are identified as such even when not wearing vest, by neck badge and blue nameplate.
Undercover Officer:

  • Requirements:
  • Corporal
  • Already be in Anti-Crime Unit
  • Authorised by supervisor+ for specific mission (etc. mingling and identifying wanted suspects without spooking them)

  • Access to:
  • Sidearm (self-protection only) (something with a low capacity, such as taurus 605, ppk, Makarov, 1911)
  • Fake Name (So they can’t be misidentified as themselves by orgmates) (Obviously fake name would be logged in staff logs to prevent abuse)
  • Unmarked Car, in which they can access government radio and computer (No portable radio on foot)

  • Duties:
  • Supervisor-Authorised missions only, such as: observing suspects at bazaar, assisting with a sting, etc.

  • Special Circumstances:
  • Can be handcuffed by any rank, and when searched, officer will find badge.
  • When searched if ziptied, badge is found then too.
  • Can not go to regular calls (has no radio or handcuffs, only a firearm for personal defence.)
  • Are indistinguishable from civilians, though can be identified via searching, or by people knowing what you sound like.

I've had this shit written for months and I've thought it all out. I think only one of these options should be added, as to add both would be needlessly overcomplicated, but I really like the detective bureau idea.

There is no TL;DR, it's just not complicated.
I think detectives would be too much, Perp crime isn’t the type for detectives xd, but having anti crime unit would be spectacular and I would love to be first hand in getting it off the ground
I think detectives would be too much, Perp crime isn’t the type for detectives xd, but having anti crime unit would be spectacular and I would love to be first hand in getting it off the ground
I kinda feel like the detective idea would add a new dimension to the whole thing, as it's not as overpowered as actual undercover officers, and they have a specific purpose, which is identifying criminals based on things other than bodies. I feel like it would give criminals more to think about when they commit a crime, and probably reduce the amount of civvie cars that are stolen for nothing other than shits and giggles when there's actually a way to tie people to it.
Giving you plainclothes while in a undercover is gotta be the stupidest suggestion I’ve read so far in 2024.

Your clothes as an officer not only distinguish you to other officers as to avoid team-killing, they give a counter for criminals so they’re not powerless against your unmarked car.

Just because you don’t know how to use the unmarked, doesn’t mean PD needs another buff. Also I always use the unmarked when I’m on, idk where you got the idea that barely anyone uses it. I struggle to find a open spot for it when it’s max pop or medium-high player count

TL: DR we don’t need another pd buff. People use unmarked cars and you just need to get better at it. The suggestion is literally just asking for a power game feature to take away the only counter from crims.
:DUnmarked car for patrol is retarded. Detective bureau is based. wyt of my detective idea?
Aside from the glaring issue of unmarked vehicles and plain clothes being far too un-counter-able by criminals, I like the investigation aspect of it with the dna tool.

I like in depth mechanics but I think criminal mechanics are dry as fuck and we’re just in the dark about it.

The last fun new crime we got was chop shop from last year (July 2023 date for chop shop) and that’s not even a crime you can do throughout your day it’s literally one time.

I also think detective bureau would more justifiable if crime had actual depth and progression, It’s just a CoD Lobby KOS server at max pop with ppl crowbarring random bases or robbing banks with constant pvp.

I’d much prefer if heists were more incentivized and a path of progression in that realm was laid out for organizations (i.e starting out with a small store robbery. Get a keycard or item to unlock your access to the bank heist, do bank heist and unlock access to a bigger heist. Maybe even spice it up with multiple ways to do the same heist by either doing it loud or quiet or otherwise). Especially in a successful stealth scenario, detective work would be phenomenal roleplay to consider.

TL: DR it’s just too much right now. Detectives will have basically nothing to do due to the server being an KOS CoD lobby at max pop and plainclothes would prove to be imbalanced tools for shootouts. There is no in depth crime to match such an in depth mechanic either so it seems out of place at the moment, I do hope that changes personally.
Why does it have to be rtu ONLY? There's Patrol as well. I don't see why this has to be RTU only. You guys have multiple undercover cars.
I mean I doubt this is going to get accepted but if it were to be, this wouldn't be exclusive to RTU at all and in fact has no benefit for RTU. It's completely irrelevant to their duties and if anything this would be exclusive to Patrol.
I'm gonna take over this suggestion and suggest two ways undercover could have a purpose, be balanced, and make it fun.
Secondary Division: Detective Bureau


  • Requirements:
  • Corporal
  • Not in TFU
  • Pass a written and practical exam

  • Access to:
  • Handcuffs
  • Radio
  • Sidearm (Taurus 605, Makarov, 1911, something small and realistically concealable)
  • Unique unmarked cars (crown vic, 2012 charger)
  • A light armour vest that can be equipped, bearing POLICE and the officer’s badge no. so they’re not mistaken for a suspect by fellow officers from afar.
  • Clothes restricted to suit pants, black/brown formal shoes, and either a suit jacket, sweater, formal vest, or formal shirt (full clothes colour choice, but policies prohibiting stupid colours)
  • Super-duper DNA tool, which allows them to see the last person to handle a dropped firearm, as well as the last person to drive a vehicle, and the last person to successfully break into a door. (maybe only for crowbars, idk)

  • Duties:
  • Stakeouts
  • Stings
  • Evidence Gathering at cold scenes, or assisting officers with confusing post-raid cleanup situations
  • Most regular calls, provided no other officer is immediately available

  • Special Circumstances:
  • Are police officers, with all powers and duties therein, and are identified as such even when not wearing vest, by badge and blue nameplate.
  • Only two detectives can be on-duty at one time

  • Counters:
  • Don’t steal cars (once chop shop becomes a thing this will be a welcome deterrent)
  • Hide stolen cars after you abandon them
  • Bobby pin doors instead of crowbarring to prevent leaving DNA behind
  • Avoid multiple people handling dropped weapons
  • Ditch weapons used in crimes at high traffic areas, where people are likely to steal them and overwrite the prints

  • Why should we add this:
  • Cause I’ve been watching too much NYPD blue and I wanna be andy sipowicz but less racist
  • Unmarked cars that are actually normal instead of a bunch of weird shit like Golf GTI or Mitsubishi
  • Make sense of confusing he-said she-said situations and be able to tie people to weapons properly
  • Give people a reason not to apply for TFU
  • Actually have proof that someone stole a car when they’ve abandoned it, which would likely lead to less abandoned stolen cars everywhere
  • Give people a reason to surprise raid by bobby pinning
Secondary Division: Anti-Crime Unit

Plainclothes Officer:

  • Requirements:
  • Senior Officer
  • Taser Training
  • Pass a written and practical exam

  • Access to:
  • Handcuffs
  • Radio
  • Taser
  • Sidearm
  • Unmarked Car
  • A light armour vest that can be equipped, bearing POLICE and the officer’s badge no. so they’re not mistaken for a suspect by fellow officers from afar.

  • Duties:
  • Stakeouts
  • Stings
  • General observation and reporting
  • Most regular calls

  • Special Circumstances:
  • Are police officers, with all powers and duties therein, and are identified as such even when not wearing vest, by neck badge and blue nameplate.
Undercover Officer:

  • Requirements:
  • Corporal
  • Already be in Anti-Crime Unit
  • Authorised by supervisor+ for specific mission (etc. mingling and identifying wanted suspects without spooking them)

  • Access to:
  • Sidearm (self-protection only) (something with a low capacity, such as taurus 605, ppk, Makarov, 1911)
  • Fake Name (So they can’t be misidentified as themselves by orgmates) (Obviously fake name would be logged in staff logs to prevent abuse)
  • Unmarked Car, in which they can access government radio and computer (No portable radio on foot)

  • Duties:
  • Supervisor-Authorised missions only, such as: observing suspects at bazaar, assisting with a sting, etc.

  • Special Circumstances:
  • Can be handcuffed by any rank, and when searched, officer will find badge.
  • When searched if ziptied, badge is found then too.
  • Can not go to regular calls (has no radio or handcuffs, only a firearm for personal defence.)
  • Are indistinguishable from civilians, though can be identified via searching, or by people knowing what you sound like.

I've had this shit written for months and I've thought it all out. I think only one of these options should be added, as to add both would be needlessly overcomplicated, but I really like the detective bureau idea.

There is no TL;DR, it's just not complicated.
These are really well thought out, I'd love to see this on the server in some description in the future.
Only reason I mentioned RTU is because we have the largest access of unmarked vehicles
ill shoot any unarmed person at a shootout, now with a chance to kill a cop, sure
bet they will have something on so you can identify them, kevlar and a pistol belt with mags and a cap, surely this helps you identify them
All i'm saying is, this would just make it harder for crim as you now have too look for certain things to make sure you arent killing a unarmed civ newplayer around a raid
All i'm saying is, this would just make it harder for crim as you now have too look for certain things to make sure you arent killing a unarmed civ newplayer around a raid
mate again yall dont understand here, its not gonna be a suit or smt they have on if added, thats absurd.
make crim harder anyways, too easy to grow
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