Player Owned Economy

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Alright folks this is going to be a massive post, so sit back, get some popcorn or something and prepare to start reading.

First off, this is simply an idea, although I will be linking it to a poll at a later date to see what kind of support this gains because it is a complete and total overhaul of almost everything you have ever known of this gamemode as well as requires a few things to happen which may be unpopular. It is a radical shift for the server and what I believe could contribute to far more fun and entertainment for all players because it encourages players to work together better and interact as opposed to purely being isolated to do their own thing without having to help the city or anyone else.

What I have in mind is in the most simple of terms, turning the whole server into a player owned economy, by which players will be in charge of producing/refining/manufacturing all items within the server. To start off I will list several new jobs which would be needed for this.

The jobs in which a product is produced from their actions will be required to sell directly to an NPC who is in turn linked to another NPC somewhere else in the map who then other players are able to buy from but that stock will take time to arrive at the dockyards, and if there is someone in the delivery job it will request them to deliver the item(s). Quitting the job while still having items will remove those items and gain no reward. Also each of these jobs will have a skill tree attached to it so you gain new unlocks as you rank up your skill in the related topic. The higher the skill required to make/grow a product and slightly adding in your current level, the higher the NPC will pay you for doing it, but they will only assign tasks which are most needed according to their stock at that time, and your highest level of ability. Doing as a job will gain less EXP than if you did it privately, but you essentially get paid to raise the skill since pay is mostly reward based.

Keep in mind all players will be allowed to do these actions as well but not on as large of a scale, and are not required to sell to NPCs, any items they gather/craft are theirs to keep either for him or herself or possibly to sell to other players for a more competitive price than what the NPC shop may be willing to since NPCs will have a standard markup while players are able to define their own price for what they think an item is worth. Additionally, they could sell to an NPC at the appropriate store if they so chose, which would stock that NPC with a direct stock where instead of having to wait to be delivered, players would buy directly.
  • Producers
    • ​Gatherer - A player who will obtain basic materials such as metal ores, unrefined plastics, broken glass, etc.
    • Refiner - A player who takes the pieces the Gatherer has retrieved and refines into useful ones such as piece of metal, chunk of plastic, shard of glass, etc. which are then purchasable at a store.
    • Farmer - A player who can grow new crops such as corn, watermelons, tomatoes, peppers, onions, rice, etc.
    • Fisher - A player who can catch certain types of fish depending on where s/he is fishing at that time, if it is the lake or at the harbor. More types of fish would be added for this.
    • Chef - A player who takes the items grown by a Farmer and/or caught by Fisher and creates meals with them which would be sold in the restaurant, the benefit to buying these meals is they recover more hunger with fewer items and aren't as likely to make your player throw up (which makes a player hungrier). (possibly adding a way for players to poison/drug foods, which can't be sold but could be dropped for another player)
    • Manufacturer - A player who is tasked by an NPC to create certain items based on what the NPCs have in stock. Meaning that things such as stoves, pots, etc would not necessarily be available in stores, but would be among the first things a player would learn to craft.
  • Others
    • Merchant - A player who is capable of holding more weapons/items than a normal player. This player would be not allowed to participate in any raids, their function is simply to sell their wares. Anyone would be able to sell, but not as many items as a merchant, nor could they carry the number of weapons.
    • Supplier (optional) - Instead of having NPCs automatically deliver items given by players to the related other NPC, a supplier would be required to take the goods from that NPC to the appropriate store.
Additionally, for personal crafting, you would be given the list of required materials and it would show the number necessary to make that item 100% of the time, but you would be allowed to gamble by using less materials (still at least 1 of each type) but your chance of making the item successfully would go down as you use less, although it's still possible. If you fail to craft it however, you would lose all the materials you attempted to create it with. However, since materials don't necessarily cost anything, unless you buy from another player or NPC, you could go gather more at little cost to you besides the time to obtain them. This change would make shop prices variable between different players and encourage players to buy from others. So to raise up crafting skill, you could decide if you'd rather buy materials with cash you've earned from doing other jobs or go gather yourself.

Right now, if you have money, you go buy from an NPC who has an unlimited resource which is highly unrealistic and not good for general RP, because it decreases the level of player interaction with one another. So it would make players have to make tougher choices in what their priorities are and how they would like to earn their money, because although drugs would still earn the most money, money doesn't buy you everything then if you can not find a source to get materials from to raise your crafting.

For any of this change to happen though, it would require both skills and items to be reset, due to fairness for all, anyone joining after this system were incorporated would have a much harder time getting firearms skill up. Out of fairness it would be nice to reset money,cars,genes as well, but I know that is highly unpopular, so all I would request to be reset is skills/items people have. Your money/cars/genes would all remain.

I will leave this idea up for a few days before creating a poll to go along with so do not do +support or -support on this, wait for the poll. I am posting this to explain the idea, and if anyone has any questions, please ask. I know this is rather complicated and I probably didn't do a great job of explaining it, but I am more than willing to answer any questions anyone has on it. Also if you see me in game and want to ask me questions then, I will answer there as well since it is easier explained using voice rather than typing it out. Anyhow, take care and hope you understood what this has to offer.

Edit: I should add that this change would take a long time to get complete, so don't think anything you do will be reset anytime soon.

Vote on what you wouldn't mind having reset here:
To give support to this idea, it requires skills/items reset, other choices aren't as critical but would be good for all involved. There will be rewards to having this idea approved to all players who are active the week it gets released.
This would be nice but most of the people will disagree if they lose all of their money,cars,items,gens.
My idea:There is a war between 2 big citys Evo city VS Paralake city.
The mayor announced that EvoArmy comming with airplanes to bomb Paralake city with chemical and nukes.The mayor requested evacuation of the city.
So here is my idea.
All citizens store whatever they can store to their car and leaving the city for a few months.
So we can save 1car,our pocket-inventory wheel and our car trunk.
So we are losing all our money because the city is on fire and the bank is on fire.All our cars except the car we store our items.We are losing all the items we have in our storage skills and gens too.
With my idea we are not losing everything. You can store to your car whatever you want to save and you can save your favourite car.I think that if we lose everything the server will die because players who have months of playtime will be bored to start from zero.
If people supports this and this idea is possible to added i will make a suggestion forum with a better senario ;)
Thanks for reading.
I like this idea however I'm not sure if 60 slots would be able to hold this idea unless every player was willing to step in to the necessary role. Could also hurt the player base with the reset.
Almost been one year now. But finally -support we simply don't have enough slots for this to be useable.
So i recently made a suggestion about mining aswell, but i have more ideas so ill just post them here.
One of my ideas was logging/tree harvesting. It would make a great thing to make money out of, aswell as different kinds of trees for more furnitures that are more and less expensive depending on the kind of wood that the furniture is made of. Another thing is was the farmer which was suggested here but i want to further explain it. So the farmer ofcourse buys a property with soil in it so he can plant seeds of crops that he buys from vendors (NPC). All these ideas and stuff that are being produced from them can be sold to players for cheaper then normal price from vendors or straight to vendors for easy and straight money without looking for a buyer. Hopefully this idea will be accepted but one little problem. The map. The map is already big and causing issues as lag, lag spikes, and more small glitches that need repairing. Im not sure if computers will be able to run a map this big without parts of it that are causing lags reduced or even removed. Even for really good computers players wont have the same quality of gameplay as they had on this version of paralake which even now causes lag to most players. I ++/- this since i really enjoy this system of earning money without doing and criminal activities, although im not sure how the new map will run for players with bad and good computers. Have a nice evening and a wonderfull day, BK, out.
This is a wonderful idea and i love it! Theres only one problem..... i am not in favor in having my skills/invetory reset. Mabey set evreyones skills at 5/whatever and erase ANY materialistic items such as nails or plastic, polymer.ETC....
I personally don't want it to happen. From what I've learned about this community, it wouldn't balance out, and we would need lots of new players. Players that would stay.
The idea is good, but it will be really hard to make it work. Remember how it went with communism?
+Support YES. I've been wanting the ability to buy food from producers and selling it to actually own a restaurant while having the ability to make a realistic profit off of it.
What if there were no players to produce food, or no players wanting to. In they day time sure, the server is full, all jobs are occupied. Although in the morning/late night there aren't people to stock up the markets unless there are like hundreds sold to the NPC. However, having the need to sell hundreds of ingredients/food the money gained needs to be low. As well as this If this doesn't reach the amount needed, every few hours or so the NPC's (if lower than set amount) stock will add by around 50 or so. Just to make sure people don't starve to death.
-Support This could easily ruin the server for people who play on the "dead" times on the server, as there would be no way to get supplies without other users being online. If there's a way to fix that, though, then +Support
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