Server Suggestion [PLFD] Broadcasts

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Germany, NRW
Suggestion Title: [PLFD] Broadcasts
Suggestion Description: Basically I would like there to be a broadcast for the Fire Dept. just like there is a broadcast for the Police Dept.

Just like the broadcasts of the PD the FD broadcasts would show up in chat, for everyone to see IC. As the broadcasting feature is restricted to certain roles/ranks within the Police, this could be nicely worked into the job leveling System. I have not decided a certain rank which should be able to use this feature, but it should certainly be Senior Firefighter+ or even above.
By creating this as it's own feature it is also more visible and official than Firefighters using the /advert command to broadcast information to the public.

Why should this be added?:
+ It encourages more roleplaying [telling peple to clear area of a fire or even involving the FD in more traffic roleplay, as they could broadcast about heavy accident]
+ It rewards leveling the Firefighter Job even more
+ It is a great tool to provide IC information to the public
+ It's helpful to the gameplay as I see chain explosions of vehicles possibly reduced by publicly announcing to move vehicles out of the area / to not drive to a certain area.

What negatives could this have?:
- If granted to "untrusted" ranks it could be used for useless information or spamming
Reaction score
Paralake Fire Department, PLC
God yes please. I have wasted thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars on adverts ingame because of gigantic forest fires, car crashes, explosions, and more. I'd reccomend senior and up. as it takes tons and tons of hours to get senior and by then any sweaters should be filtered.