Server Suggestion PLN radio station

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Dublin, Ireland
Suggestion Title: PLN radio station
Suggestion Description: Basicly, a player ran radio station that inform the citizens of Paralake all the breaking or trending news

Why should this be added?:
- it would add a more user-real life experience to the server

What negatives could this have?:
- to be honest, none

What problem would this suggestion solve?: None, but it would be cool
This could be the same as TruckersFM, With other radio hosts taking over to play different music and such. But i think would be difficult to pull off, as TMP has a much bigger community and it's own big team of hosts. It could take a while to find members who would sit and do this kind of thing 1-2 a week.

I'd actually love to try it out myself, see how it goes, but I'd have to learn radios and stuff again.
What if this channel was controlled by the owner of Office building in a control room since the property has so many antennas it can have value added to it by having a special feature of hosting a radio channel?
What if this channel was controlled by the owner of Office building in a control room since the property has so many antennas it can have value added to it by having a special feature of hosting a radio channel?
Make a Radio shack building by suburbs or smth like that, or as a website thing ofc.
We had a player-hosted radio station once. It was kind of cool until you realised that the radio channel pretty much had only 2 settings:

- Generic public air radio music.

- Shitty music from the people who were hosting the radio channel at the given time.

It was fun for the first 2 weeks. After that it completely died and was left with generic music and no host 99% of the time. It's not worth the implementation again in my opinion, especially not for only broadcasting news..
I like this concept, and i liked the paralake radio we had a year or two ago. It provided a lot of community engagement and gave members of the community a 'creative' place. Re-introducing this will most likely be a hype for a few weeks and it would die down.

One way to prevent that is more community engagement, like suggesting songs that will be played through a suggestion like system. You go to a site, yoink in a youtube URL and have it enter a queue. To prevent abuse, it would need to be steamID connected.

This way you can have DJ's interact with this queue, DJ on their own if they feel like it, and still have an active radio without requiring a DJ present.

I think also to encourage people DJing is to have the radio play in stores, like the bank, bazaar, etc, to provide some engagement and make the map feel more alive. I'd happily code a proof of concept, if people are interested in this.

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