PLPD Category in Discord

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United States
I get that PLPD has its own server (and why), but something for the vast majority of the rest of the population would be super nice. That way people aren't always asking for a OR or basic Officer Quiz questions in #general. Don't need to add ranks and roles, same principles of /help

Just a category with these channels, all I'm asking.
#make-a-complaint (just the IA Leaflet, then link to IA Create)
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All of this can and should be done using the PLPD help desk or other means

#request-a-patrol - Ingame / PLPD Chatbot / Helpdesk
#officer-showcase - Roundup
#ask-a-question - Helpdesk
#make-a-complaint - Entire site section

The website already does everything that can be needed, a entire section in discord isn’t needed and can possibly lead to confusion
All of this can and should be done using the PLPD help desk or other means
The website already does everything that can be needed, a entire section in discord isn’t needed and can possibly lead to confusion
I'm talking other way around - community led rather then org controlled.

#ask-a-question / #request-a-patrol
Helpdesk is hardly a solution and take a minimum of a business day. Shoutbox is not well suited - not actively engaged unlike Discord, no notifs, etc. I'm talking <3hr Officers who don't have a clue how it works. These kinds of Officers don't even know they can request patrols like that, many are too nervous. They can just get their simple problems out the way here.

Roundup is good, but I'm saying this can be an (easier) outlet for the community to submit their praises/photos/etc to the PLPD. Again, yes, they can do this through Helpdesk but it'll probably get more recognition, and is an overall easier process - both great incentives to get more of these kinds of posts

Can more or less go, but it's on the NPC so why not?
I'm talking other way around - community led rather then org controlled.

#ask-a-question / #request-a-patrol
Helpdesk is hardly a solution and take a minimum of a business day. Shoutbox is not well suited - not actively engaged unlike Discord, no notifs, etc. I'm talking <3hr Officers who don't have a clue how it works. These kinds of Officers don't even know they can request patrols like that, many are too nervous. They can just get their simple problems out the way here.

Roundup is good, but I'm saying this can be an (easier) outlet for the community to submit their praises/photos/etc to the PLPD. Again, yes, they can do this through Helpdesk but it'll probably get more recognition, and is an overall easier process - both great incentives to get more of these kinds of posts

Can more or less go, but it's on the NPC so why not?
There is a reason it is done through Helpdesk is my point, it ensures that while a response can take a business day, the response will be helpful, and if it requires action will be handled by someone who can perform the action. Further, officer showcase should be done in the already existing player showcase, as when it comes to recognition that’s the best spot. As in the monthly showcase by the CMs PD stuff is included, and they activity check that channel for things to include.

Extra discord channels will cause in the long run more complication, and forces PD command to check numerous places for where there needed, rather then having everything in one.