My critiques of PLPD and PLPD online.

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Dear reader,

I understand there has been countless amounts of threads highlighting the failures of the PLPD, but I am hoping that we as a community can narrow it down into this single thread.
I will narrow the main issues down in a bullet point style beneath this paragraph to enable some form of discussion to form around these topics. Just click the spoiler boxes per critique I have.

My first critique is the "aggressive approach" that officers tend to adopt. What I imply by this is that they'd much rather be shooting and locking up would-be crims than actually starting any form of investigation. When PLPD online was in it's heyday back a few years ago, investigative roleplay was heavily encouraged by the more senior ranks, usually by Corporals and above. Members such as Prepper or Medulla or JustFedorable would be those who would actively encourage investigation into crime scenes.

More recently over the past three years, I have seen a significant decline of this form of investigation and instead as previously suggested, would rather shoot somebody and lock 'em up. This obviously makes people rather cross getting locked up for something they probably didn't do and gives people a bad view of the PLPD.

Another meaning behind what I meant by aggressive approach to policing is them actively seeking crime, even the most minor things such as jaywalking they will literally hunt you down for. Obviously, a man of my calibre would actively seek to evade such a nuisance police officer coming to harass me for not being street wise on a virtual online fictional synthetic environment emulating a city.

Let's say for example you've been raided, and you've shot a few raiders dead and a few run off. You call the police and they show up insisting they search the rest of your property and hey look, you've been growing drugs, so now you've been locked up. This too is supporting my "no investigative roleplay" argument.

I'm not sure if this is a PLPD issue, or just an issue with the community in general. Complaints are rife. As an ex-staff member, I received a lot of complaints from a group certain individuals, one of whom was a moderator and coincidentally a part of an organisation that boss had been very active during this time. You know who you are, and I admittedly was a very naughty boy but I was only having a laugh so the joke's on you at the end of the day you gigantic clown.

In the PLPD, I have noticed that if you do something or whatever, you should expect your PLPD online inbox to be flooded with complains about yourself or suspensions. No matter what you do, someone's going to complain. Why do they do this? You'd get complaints from fellow officers who witnessed you driving slightly odd due to out-of-character issues such as framerate issues, or for shooting a suspect one too many times? Or perhaps even using your car to run over a suspect.

As an officer, I have been called into the office so many times by a cocky teenager thinking he's superior than a fully grown man on the internet because he holds a virtual rank of a sergeant and insists that I refer him as such for him to end our little chat with "I'm making an infraction on you for that".

I was once in the internal affairs department a few years ago. I understand time has gone by and things may have changed, but seeing that I haven't touched IA, I assume things are still the same.

I was waiting to be trained up for dealing with complaints, and everytime we did one they seemed like they had no idea what to do and decided to just give out infractions left-right-and centre. Personally, I think that any PLPD infractions should be dealt by staff because they (sometimes) know what they're doing and have some sort of pride about it.

A solution for this problem would be to totally eliminate the PLPD from PERPheads and revert to the classic system with an LT, and two sergeants with a handful of regular officers, obviously implementing SWAT for VIP.

The PLPD is vastly overly complicated for the size of PERPheads, and obviously development is heavily focused in that area. I feel as if the points I have highlighted have contributed to the decline in players over the years as there's nothing more degrading than getting your roleplay twatted by a man-child.

The best course of action is to re-simplify the PLPD.


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Community voted on changes already. And minor changes won..


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This "event" should never have happened. But you can not say what was the "correct way" or what was the "incorrect way". We never planned to bring the 2014 system back for a week, that would require a lot more work.

The vote was not "was this event fun?". Vote was for changes, surely I would hope that players did not vote cuz of events that happened during the "revert" event.


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@The HitMan Only correct way was not to do it. I never agreed to do it... I did not "chose" anything, I said that it was dumb.
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Sheffield, United Kingdom
@Samuel can guarantee you had an input in some way or another, either way the whole "require a lot of work" excuse is rather weak and undermines the entire point of the vote: to give us the system we previously had, not some btec knock-off where everyone and their mother had access to both TFU and remingtons along with little to no supervisors on duty at any point.


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@Eviction Notice Are you blind? I’ve constantly denied any claims I had anything to do with this, I literally woke up to it being live! For weeks I had said I didn’t agree with even trying to preform it in the way it was.

Also “requires a lot of work” is not weak, I never claimed that a “revert” would never happen because it would take time, I said it’s not worth the effort considering it was a “event” for a week.

If you think that the event reflected what you could vote for, then you must be blind. If we were going to test each scenario before voting then giving everyone whitelist would not be the plan.
The only thing this “event” showed was how many minges we have..

Deleted member 1235

@Samuel The revert event was intentionally sabotaged by many individuals, especially those who held ranks within the PD.

The week revert was not done in the style that anyone suggested or asked for.

Not directed at you, but there's some in the PD who will sabotage any and everything that even remotely removes the smallest bit of power they have.

I think it's called small dick syndrome :kappa:


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@Duffy Well, as I said before I expected those idiots to be kicked out of the PD after the "revert" but they were not, I even made a ticket and SMT said they would not punish them...

Ofc there will be idiots trying to sabotage any change that affects them, would happen with a 2SGT and 1LT system too.

I'm not really in the PD tho, I could not care less what happens :)
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As an officer, I have been called into the office so many times by a cocky teenager thinking he's superior than a fully grown man on the internet because he holds a virtual rank of a sergeant and insists that I refer him as such for him to end our little chat with "I'm making an infraction on you for that".
You mean just like if you break server rules, you get pulled up to a roof by a teenage moderator?
You’re reminiscing a lot about the past and simultaneously acting as if supervisors back in your day weren’t all literally under 16. Supervisors aren’t pulling you into the supervisors office because they think they’re better than you due to a virtual rank, they’re doing it because they Signed up to deal with officer negligence, which in your case, would probably be you running someone over playing the fucking top gear theme or something.
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I must've been about 14 when I first played as lieutenant when it was a vip job. I can almost bet people didn't like a 14 year old bossing them about.