PLPD Human Resources

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Paralake City
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Hello again, nearly 8 months ago I was appointed to the position of Head of Public Relations. In the following months, several changes were made internally within the PD and my division, and several planned changes did not happen. As many of you are aware, there has been a shift in the chain of command to the PD, and following this, changes will be made to the greater department.

New Chiefs
I would first like to thank Acer for his tenure as Chief. I saw his work ethic first handed and worked with him directly. He had a lot of great and unique plans for the PD, which will now sadly not be executed. I hope he has fun in his future gaming endeavors, and if he ever returns to play again, I will gladly welcome him back!
I would also like to welcome our new Chiefs of the Department, Chief Hayden, and Deputy Chief John (AwesomeGamersHQ). I'm sure everyone already knows who Hayden is, and I hope people will get to learn how great of a guy John can be if they don't already. In the mere days they have held their positions, they have both started to make small but impactful changes to the PD, with the aim to shape the PD into their vision. I wish both our new Chiefs the best of luck!

What changes have been made
The first and most obvious change is that Public Relations is now called Human Resources. This change was made to reflect what the division's job now is, and what we will be doing going forward. HR will still be doing the same public outreach schemes as before, such as the Monthly Roundup, Employee Satisfaction Survey and Game Night.
The second change is Human Resources will now handle resignations and reinstatements. Before, this was down to the commanding officer of each primary division.
Our third change is that Human Resources will be more heavily involved in general policymaking and refinement, such as updating the police handbook in the coming days.

These changes are all open and will be seen by almost everyone inside and outside of the PD chain of command, however some changes that have been made are more private and quiet, such as Human resources will be responsible for ensuring role fairness and equal opportunity policy is being followed, in relation to this Human Resources will also be responsible for the appeal process when someone's application is denied/rejected.

How will this affect you?
These changes most likely won't, you will see the standard announcements and awards each month, and the standard events such as game night will still happen. If you plan on leaving the PD, just quitting a single role you hold, or if you feel you have unjustly failed in an application, then you will be directed to us instead of the primary command teams.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

HR logo.png

Lieutenant Molly Mcmolly (Mallard)
Head of Human Resources
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