PLPD Revert event: the official suggestion with poll :)

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Main idea:
For just a month at most or a week at least, Revert the PD to its old state with changes to adapt to the modern playerbase.


Revert the PD With its old "VIP for SWAT / Lieutenant" System for just a week at least, or a single month at most, And see how it works.

People are so adamant on there opinions on the matter on what direction the PD should take. The one thing we could do to finally end this lifelong debate is to give the idea a go.

Just a heads up on how it'd work:
- Anyone abusing or misusing the Lt, speed enforcer and SWAT Roles will be blacklisted from the roles indefinitely til this "Event" month ends.
- If this idea results in a total cock up, then it should be terminated immediately, and the PD returned to its current state.
- Current police supervisors will hold the rank of Sgt, and will be able to demote shit Lt's. This could be seen as if supervisors are the real leaders and not the Lt's, but this is simply to counter any minges from going Lt and ruining other peoples role play experience.
- ANY counts of gross misconduct committed by SWAT officers will result in the player committing the offence to be not only blacklisted from the job for the remainder of the event, but will bar them from making a TFU application for at least a month after the event ends. Same thing goes for Speed enforcers and the RTU Division.

- We can finally reach a conclusion on the white list and its effects on the player base with new, solid evidence that either proves or disproves the theory.
- Would be a fun week and a change of pace from the usual super cereal police RP.
- The temporary ability to go SWAT Would give Non-TFU the experience that they really want.
- Its only temporary.
- Would give lower ranks a supervisor experience they can use to further better themselves in the PD.
- Will give old players incentive to come and play for nostalgia reasons.
- Personally I disagree with the idea of reverting the PD, but I do not feel as though it would be that bad to give the idea a go temporarily.
- IA is a tiny division as it currently stands and there workload could be overwhelming.
- @Samuel informed me in the discussion that this will take a fair bit of development work.
If anyone is down for this, it's definitely me.

It may teach me or others a valuable point and POV on the state of PERP. Maybe we'll finally finish the life long debate, not which was more organised or enjoyable, but rather which one was better for the playerbase.

Personally a week is quite bad to get results out of, since the first few days will be a lot of people testing it out and after a week we'll start seeing the results of this change.
We should scrap the PD and just have it where you have to apply for LT and Sgt just like the start we had...

People who argue against this are just people who have worked their way up the PD and I understand that it's frustrating but we need something desperate to save the server, the PD is something people have always complained about and something everyones been against as of late.

Bring back where you can go TFU without some silly department training, we seriously don't need it.

@Fredy was against the PD for a reason, we see the reason right now lol.

And if you're gonna say that the PD isn't the issue you're just delusional, stop trying to say you're working on a fix because no ones gonna sit around on this ship for 6 months until you release something silly like; a new weapon for the PD...
I'll have you know the playercount will rise to 200 active players once the supervisor car is finished!
I have spent some time looking at the actual code and this would not be possible, unless we remove whitelist completely.
The whitelist is a part of all major modules within PERP, everything from armory to drugs. Removing all ranks temporarily is not an option. The only way to give everyone everything, would be by making everyone SGT/LT and give all TFU.

Just searching "PoliceWhitelist" returns over 240 results...
Also why are PERP dev's not archiving code? Surely it would have been ideal to have some sort of Lua archive for not just stuff like this, but in the event of an update breaking the game? Or if killslick wants to purchase more code

Because it seems you did not read the requirements for making a poll..
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