[PLPD TRAINING] Vehicle lookout

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  1. Code GREEN. Lookout for a vehicle that poses no threat nor is it armed. In this case an officer should set up a checkpoint at the bridge and others should look for the vehicle. Code GREEN:
  2. Code YELLOW. Lookout for a vehicle that posed a threat to the officers and public. In this case checkpoints should be set up at the bridge and suburbs ramps. CODE YELLOW:
  3. CODE RED. An armed and dangerous vehicle that is a suspect of a murder or a serious crime. All units should be looking for it and roadblocks set at needed places.
    Hope i helped you. Bye.
So... how exactly does this tell us how to intercept a vehicle? I expected some tactics on for example boxing in cars, pits and how to safely take down a suspect.
You just tell us to check every place for the car? I'm confused.

EDIT: How would we be able to substain so many roadblocks at CODE: Period, if 4 Units with 8 officers are on patrol to find the fleeing car?
What Ermak fails to do here is to actually take into account where the suspect is sighted. For example if a suspect was last seen in the City, it is very likely he is still in the proximity at the time that you are talking to the victim (if applicable), therefor a better tactic would be to have some officers stand by in exits from that area, for example if in the city, just get a squad car positioned at the Regals parking and at the Hospital, this way then can radio in where the suspect is headed, and then you can handle accordingly.

This way you do not setup a shit ton of roadblocks, and you actually have a chance of apprehending him.
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