Police Demotion Blacklist

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Topic: Police Demotion Blacklist

Short explanation (in notes):
-When someone gets demoted, he gets a blacklist for about 10-30 minutes.
-It would be better for the force

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
When a cop gets demoted, he comes back then goes 10-8 again, which is not fair.
The officers do not care about being demoted, all they care about is going back to the PD and going back to 10-8. Before when an officer got demoted, he came back like nothing happened and did not give a damn about it

Optional additions:
A blacklist when you get demoted, the more you get demoted the more you get blacklisted for example, from 10 min, it becomes 20, then 30, then 1 hour
In my opinion, I like this idea as people can learn from their mistakes and not just go back to the force
I agree with this, is very helpful however take into note that it can be pretty annoying for a new player(s), this will be very handy when the police force gets white listed.
So for now
Don't you get blacklisted already? I Remember once me and @Shaun had some late night banter he demoted me and I was blacklisted for about 30 minutes.?

Anyway if not, it should definetly be put on. Joining back straight after a demotion is quite unrealistic.

The idea does make sense, I never knew that if you got demoted you can go straight back. It is pretty unrealistic.
The blacklists are currently broken. Normally you would get blacklisted for 30 minutes, but it seems to be bugged. There for it is advises to contact a staff member when demoting someone, to insure that he gets blacklisted for 30 minutes.
Don't think this is going to be needed once the new whitelist is in place, officers that are found guilty of misconduct will probably just lose their place on the whitelist for a time instead.
I demoted a guy 4 times in a row and he just shrugged it off. This is needed however the whitelist system is being worked on meaning this may not be needed.


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