police dont cross tape

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Topic: police dont cross tape

Short explanation (in notes):
- a tool given to officers
-it would be like retextured ropetool
-you would click on tow spots like a lightpole and a wall and some police dont cross tape would appear

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

this would be usefull for fx. securing a crime scene so anoying bystanders dont run all over the evidence/bodys.


Optional additions:
-a police barracade would also be nice since we only have barricades for cars and not for pedestrianse: https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5144/5606883390_3b60d26115_z.jpg
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It can be very hard to make a "Dont pass"-Line with cones and barriers. A Do not cross-tape would be great.

It seems like an unnecessary amount of work. Police are provided with barricades and cones for a reason. Set up a perimeter around a crime scene, and everyone that decides to walk inside the vicinity should be considered as to be breaking 3.4, and may IC'ly be considered criminals, as they may destroy evidence on the scene, and generally interrupt police that are trying to perform their duties. (Law 3.1, 8.4, and 8.8)
I believe Stephen already had a look at the rope, but he hasn't come up with anything yet. :3

Edit: Making the texture will be easy peasy lemon squeezy but to be able to use it we need to figure out how to add our own rope textures. Stuff :)
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Since this has come back up I guess saying this is relevant again. Stephen did mess around at some point and make this tool but in order to make it so that you simply cannot make tape going from the wall to the floor or other unrealistic placements there were restrictions put on how far the tape could be and how large the height difference between the two points it was placed at. With the restrictions in place it made the tool very clunky to use. There were also problems with using a custom texture for the rope that Stephen couldn't work out so unless he took the time to look into it more it would have to be just a thick gray line.

The main problem I see with this idea is that it wouldn't change anything at all. You can still walk right past it and I don't see how people think that it would be any different than barricades. If you need to block off a crime scene you are provided with barricades to do so with and if people enter without police permission then just arrest them for interfering with the investigation. Taking the time to work on this would in my opinion be wasted when other, more useful, features could be worked on.
To be honest, I don't really see the need for this. We currently have cones and barricades which work exactly the same as any 'rope tool' would. Whilst in a police job, I usually secure the scene with cones and barriers and tell people to leave the area and I'm pretty sure this is what anyone else would do. Yeah, people usually ignore any cones, but what's a bit of tape going to change?
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