Police Sergeant

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Short explanation (in notes):
- Non-VIP police job.
- Second in command if Lt. unavailable.
- can boss normal cops around

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

Often when roleplaying as a police officer when Luke Person is Lt. I'm often promoted to become Sgt via RP. It would make sense to have a Sgt. job seeing as it is a police force. The reason why I think it should be non-VIP is because a Sgt. isn't as high in command as the Lt. which would make sense regarding it's for non-VIP. The exam should be similar but not identical to the Lt's exam (if there is one, please correct me if i'm wrong).
Every time the LT is KIA'd or MIA'd or not there, there is often a big lack of organisation and panic within the police force. A second in command may be able to solve this problem, assuming he didn't die along with the LT. The Sgt. has access to everything a standard officer would have, but may have limited access to some of the equipment the Lt. has. For example, he may view officers or request someone to be wanted, but unable to demote to make someone wanted. In RP situations, the LT may assign the Sgt. to instruct a squad to patrol an area while the two wait in the PD or one goes out. The Sgt. has the same vehicles as any other normal officer.

in other words; the sgt. would be the same as any other officer, but with a few more extra but limited features.

Optional additions:
- Non-VIP job.
- 1 slot.
- I believe there is a model for a Sgt in the game (NPC has it in PD)
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I mean I get why this would be important, however, as for the time being I would say the RP way of lieutenant appointing an officer works. Eventually I would like there to be a ranking system that the lieutenant can issue officially, they won't necessarily be separate jobs that you sign up for such as lieutenant currently. Rather the lieutenant would self promote/demote an officer through the ranks.

That said, this would also come along with multiple other tools I have in store for what the lieutenant should have at their disposal. Essentially these changes would make the lieutenant far more critical and should be kept alive at all times (more so than now) as they are the key to the police force functioning properly. I will post more details when I get closer to even attempt adding anything about this.

As for this idea, I like the spirit of it, I just don't think it should work quite the way you've posted is all. Keep watching the News & Announcements subforum for when I do post more about plans for lieutenant and the police force as a whole, as there are some changes that effect everyone including civilians. One simple thing as a teaser that I can point to already was THIS POLL I made.
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