Police Woman Is Breaking the law

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I was a Traffic Officer on duty with my partner, we have taken some things and then after we saw an Accident, we were on the way to drive away and a woman just smashed into. She began to driving and she hit me with her car i got hurt. She broke law, 9.1, 9.10, 9.12, the rules she broke was 3.15, 3.22, 4.1, 4.2.

Your Steam/In-game Name: (Steam Name)XPGamingXPDK/(IG Name)Oliver Jorgensen.
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: (Ingame name)Jennifer fielding
His/Her SteamID: (Can't get)
Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player broke rules 3.15, 3.22, 4.1, 4.2, and the laws 9.1, 9.10, 9.12. We tryed first to speak with her and she wouldn't, we needed to get her out and it didn't help we reported her, she was driving reckless and hurtet me for close to running me over, we got her out of her vehicle alot of times, we called a supervisor but no-one was coming.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 01:00 or something not sure

[DOUBLEPOST=1457829865,1457829831][/DOUBLEPOST]The video is still on the way out in this moment but very soon out.
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You need to put the video on public, we currently cannot view it as it is private. Therefore, I will give feedback on this action request when you have clear evidence.
Now the video will soon get out i just have bad network, but in maybe 10 minutes.
My steam name is my fourm name and my steamID: STEAM_0:1:55596695
I dont know how i broke 3.15 you parked in the middle of the high way blocking a crashed car.You said "get out get out" then started ramming my car.The rule i personally think i broke was 3.15.I was and i was NOT driving on the wrong side of the highway.I dont really see how i was rekless driving i mean i was making a turn and all i see is a cop car and when i hit the brakes it was to late.and i did not mean to hurtet you.
[DOUBLEPOST=1457877675,1457831431][/DOUBLEPOST]Wow he did not post the whole video before that HE was ramming my car to get me stuck.
Were your emergency or hazard lights on could not see them in the video. I believe you overreacted accidents happen all you can do is avoid them but they just happen. Without knowing if your lights were on I cannot say who was at fault and will be neutral.

The user will receive a Forum PM regarding the actions which should be taken in that scenario and further punishments may occur.
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