Poseidon.inc RP org recruiting

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Hello there I'm Aaron Davidson the owner of Poseidon.inc I'm currently the only member and looking to recruit members we are looking for fishermen who like to RP we are not a combat or rivalry organization we are looking for fishermen to join our organization how ever we do have some requirements.
  • Own a ford transit van
  • If you work with other org members to fish split the profit you can decide the percentage
  • Bring your own fishing rod's
  • DO NOT at any time start beef with other Organizations but if they shoot you or mug you then use VALID AND REASONABLE self defence

  1. CEO-Aaron Davidson
  2. Fisherman-recruiting
  3. Delivery driver-recruiting

Name {ic}:

  1. Do you own a ford transit:
  2. are you experienced with fishing:
  3. do you have VIP {not required but Highley recommended}
  4. do you understand that this org is not for PVP and will not tolerate unneeded beef unless reasonable:

what ever clothes but must wear a blue beret
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Hello, this is the organisation thread janitor!

Did you know that:
  • There are bullet points that you can use!
  • It tidies up the thread a lot!
  • and it looks good and serious
  1. You are able to use a ordered list
  2. aswell as those bullet points if you need to list requirements
  3. etcetera!
You can use this information for your threads!

Best of luck with your endeavors!
Hello there I'm Aaron Davidson the owner of International fish.co I'm currently the only member and looking to recruit members we are looking for fishermen who like to RP we are not a combat or rivalry organization we are looking for fishermen to join our organization how ever we do have some requirements.
.own a ford transit van

.if you work with other org members to fish split the profit you can decide the percentage
.Bring your own fishing rod's
.DO NOT at any time start beef with other Organizations but if they shoot you or mug you then use VALID AND REASONABLE self defence

Aaron Davidson
.Delivery driver-recruiting

Name {ic}:
Do you own a ford transit:

are you experienced with fishing:
do you have VIP {not required but Highley recommended}
do you understand that this org is not for PVP and will not tolerate unneeded beef unless reasonable:

what ever clothes but must wear a blue beret
Example of what I earned from a couple hours casual fishing on and off
67 salmon
223 trout
total 125,695
total weight 1556KG
this is for 1 Person fishing casually imagine what you could make with a couple people about join us today !!!!
do you mind not advertising my org on my page ??
We are also now hiring for security please use the normal application just put at the bottom that you wanna be security
we are now registered as Poseidon.inc due to a arranged business deal
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