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“We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

Power is a brotherhood organisation that believes in community and to look out for one another. It's simple goal is to unite more people and bring more power to the people away from the government tyranny. It runs with a communist-like structure with little hierarchy & everyone in the organisation is given the power to vote on decisions and on new members being introduced.
Additionally, we run on a strike system. Conditional on how many strikes you obtain is how severe the punishment is, reaching the final being removal from the organisation.
The organisation was originally labelled "Brotherhood" - back when it started shortly after the second world war, after the war many ex-soldiers that fought were unable to integrate themselves back into civilian life. This formed the group "Brotherhood", it brought together men of all backgrounds to work together to create prosperity within their communities and opportunities for those within said communities. In the 60's the group went through a division, some members wanted to become a more race driven organisation instead of focusing on unity of all. This is where "Power" was formed - breaking away from Brotherhood because of the groups harsh race outlook. Now - Power operates as a group bringing opportunities to those unable to support and protect themselves.
If you wish to apply, follow the link below, no real requirements just need a general understanding of why you want to join and what you can offer to the organisation. Be honest and you'll be fine.

Apply today

(( Feel free to PM me if you have any questions / requests ))​
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Yh read the backstory clears all that up a bit more :D
Hopefully allows newer players to get an easier start out in the server
Yeah it's because one of our members ate something bad the other day, hence the poo-poo smell.
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