Powergrowing Technique: "The Hicktown Web"

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Here's a little trick my Org and I have concocted. I call it "The Hicktown Web"!

What is the Hicktown web?

The Hicktown Web is a secure way of growing drugs without the risk of raid's spoiling your Harvest. It takes more than 5 people to successfully execute, But it's worth while, trust me.

To execute the Web, you must have you and your friends buy up all the Hicktown trailers. They must plant inside these trailers, and Hicktown 2 (the one with no door) Can be used for either cooking meth, Or with an armed org member or two to help execute the Web's security measure. When a Lockpick or crowbar is heard, You alert the rest of your org, and if the raiders try and kill you, Even if they are successful in doing so, Your friends are able to rush in and either mug or kill the raider (s).

Pro's of the Hicktown web:
+ Powergrow erryday
+ Far away from police, Using silenced weapons to kill intruders will not alert them.
+ Easy to execute, hard to beat.
+ It's unlikely you wont profit from having to buy the trailers

- Needs several people who you need to trust
- Far away from Emergency services, Fires and the likes must be accounted for
- Most likely will be accused of Meta in OOC
- Miles away from most drug dealer spots, Meaning mugging is a risk.
The Bakassi Way is more effective tbh, grew an Enzo in the forest without getting raided ever, never buy properties lol?
" can be used for cooking meth"

You want to do meth in a hicktown trailer? Have you ever done meth before?
I used to really enjoy perp, So many passive RPers: Trapani Pasta, Murstley Industries etc. Now its all about power-growing and people being absolute money whores and raid hungry police...I mean I cant even buy decent guns anymore because most high levels are using their guns to raid and more power growing and all the bazzar shops are CASINOS!! btw I have no issue with casinos.
I walk down the street and all I see it sweaters asking for the drug dealer location.
I used to really enjoy perp, So many passive RPers: Trapani Pasta, Murstley Industries etc. Now its all about power-growing and people being absolute money whores and raid hungry police...I mean I cant even buy decent guns anymore because most high levels are using their guns to raid and more power growing and all the bazzar shops are CASINOS!! btw I have no issue with casinos.
I walk down the street and all I see it sweaters asking for the drug dealer location.

I agree that perp has changed, but there is no reason to bitch about it. It won't make a difference. Things change, and thats just how it works. All you can do is just hope that it keeps fun to play, or maybe change yourself to the current way of playing perp.
Good job on letting everybody know where you grow and how you do it so that everybody can raid you :)
Everyone is just like "just break in here when nobody owns it", now gonna get raiders to start checking the buildings and stuff lol
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