Proper introduction

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Who am I? : I started playing something arround 20.6 of last year and made it over here. Iam 16 years old skid with so much time ( jk ). I enjoy playing PERP and I got an promotion last day.

Basic information: So as I said, Iam 16 years old Russian-Czech skid, that is living in Pilsen atm. I used to go to LEO school but my life turned over and sadly got kicked. Also, I used to be in team called The Devils which was mixed with Russians and Czech players on cs:go competitive league matches and some LoL matches. Like 167 days ago, I met one girl which changed my life a lot aswell.

If you have any questions go ahead! I will be looking forward to answer them truthfully and honestly!
Sad that you got kicked, are you gonna re-apply in a year?

What do you do everyday?

Do you have a dog?

Do you have a cat?

Do you do any sports?

What are you gonna do in the future?
Sad that you got kicked, are you gonna re-apply in a year? No.

What do you do everyday? Play PERP and wait for my pills.

Do you have a dog? Dead

Do you have a cat? Dead

Do you do any sports? Martial Art called All-Kampf Jitsu.

What are you gonna do in the future?
Iam not gonna re-apply to my school. I had a dog and I had a cat but they both died. Also I play PERP everyday and my most activity of the day is waiting for FUCKING pills at hospital. Also, I do Martial Art called All- Kampf Jitsu. And in the future Iam planning nothing.
Play PERP and die.
Didn't even mention how we used to play stratroulette on Office in CS:GO and how I eventually introduced you to PERP :(
(Smith and I met on CS:GO about 2 years ago or so)
What's your settings on citizenhack?

How long have you taken to respond to these questions?

When will you teach us how to cover up cheating?

Ive spoke to doctors and we decided to try chemotherapy even tho its useless. They said its like 0.001% of getting it fine so. Yeah. I have 4 months and 20 days and its getting worse. Nose bleed, vomiting blood and spitting blood.
Its just a meme in all honesty. We are saying Cyka Blyat to each other because we know each other and we are from the same country. But its pissing me off when people say we are agressive.
Not going to lie but they said it might help for whatever reason so Iam trying to give it a shot. ( Yes, they are clearly special. They said Iam a woman lmao.)