Proper introduction

That man knows how to make a mean grilled cheese :lenny:

Don’t know how far his knowledge would go since he’s not a doctor yet but instead soon to be. He might have some insight and we’d all love to find out what he can say.

Tbh, I’m gonna believe that he has a condition until he gets 100% exposed for it in which I will then disrespect him for being a sick human being :lenny: better to believe he has it then doubt it until it’s confirmed he’s lying imo
Don’t try and pick things too far. Medical professionals generally state things in layman’s or “incorrect” terms to patients because the actual thing is difficult to understand or confusing.

If there is a cancer of some sort of cancer as a root cause then it could be true and in that case it has metastasized and I am truly sorry. But “total organ failure” has both a bad and short prognosis.

So if it’s true enjoy your family time :)
Don’t try and pick things too far. Medical professionals generally state things in layman’s or “incorrect” terms to patients because the actual thing is difficult to understand or confusing.

If there is a cancer of some sort of cancer as a root cause then it could be true and in that case it has metastasized and I am truly sorry. But “total organ failure” has both a bad and short prognosis.

So if it’s true enjoy your family time :)
Will do and thanks!
At the end of the day, if you did have cancer although ur giving this attitude about not caring and playing perpheads. Surely ur parents would make you go outside and enjoy urself.

Also, i see you on all the time surely you're gonna be spending days on end in hospital. I hate to say it but it doesnt look very legit. If you have lied about this, it is disgusting.

I dont see why we cant see any form of hospital statements. You are trying to include the fact 'you are dying' in every situation people have with you. Come on man if you show us some form of proof i will apologise and will terrible for what i've said. But until there is evidence i fail to believe you.

If this is true, get clothes on go outside and enjoy life for the last months. Spend as much time you can with ur family and enjoy life for what it is worth.

Correct me if im wrong, if there is a 0.001% of you surviving, i doubt the hospital would waste there money trying to treat someone who has such a small chance of living. Chemotheropy makes alot of pain, wouldnt it of been better of to not have any form of treatment and enjoy ur last months painless and less drugged up as it will make you tired and drained all the time.

Nobody on this earth has ever spent there last months gaming and sitting in a room.

Here's idea's of what you can do on this forum:
Trust me if you’re lying about this shit there’s plenty of kids who died in this community and it ain’t funny. One of them was a close guy I played with for two years and if you’re found out to be lying I’ll literally get you out the community myself as it’s not something funny to joke about. If you’re joking or lying just say now.
Did you write a perp will? And if so can I have your stuff just give your login to me in 3 months
he hasn't updated any of you in a while so just FYI this fella is still: