Server Suggestion Property Trade

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Suggestion Title: Property Trade
Suggestion Description: Players should be able to trade properties through the bank

Player 1 owns the property. He doesn’t need it anymore and instead wants to sell it but doesn’t want to just give it away because it’s a bazaar shop and player count is max so it’s high value at the moment. Instead of only being able to sell the ship back to the bank so the buyer can buy it. A better system should be in place.

Said System:

Player 1 goes to the bank and collects a clipboard. This clipboard is the house sale contract confirming the property is up for sale on behalf of the Player. It isn’t muggable and goes away once the deal is off, done, if player disconnects and loses properly.

Players can go two ways about selling their property.

They can access the settings of the price for the property they own, as listed on the bank NPC menu. Then edit it to what they want so long as they have the listing up alongside the description of the property.

This way a direct sale can happen.

Additionally, an Auction system can be implemented. Players can set up an Auction instead of or on top of a direct sale.

The Auction is just a normal auction done through the bank NPC. Players can go up to the NPC, find the property up for auction, click on it and view a menu that explains:

- The bidding history thus far
- The Highest bid
- Minimum Bid price
- Time left on the listing
- Who the highest bidder is with a selfie of their character.

Auctions can last a maximum of 1 hour but the property owner can set the expiry time to less than that before opening the auction. Furthermore, the auction holder can close the auction and sell the property to the highest bidder at any point in time if he/she so pleases.

The cost for opening a Auction should be $1,000 and the cost for listing a property for direct purchase should be $1,000

Sales taxes apply on these transactions and thus city budget can be built way better through this bettering the economy.

Why should this be added?:
- Thorough real estate idea.
- Adds a mechanic to better go about selling properties, which already happens through an awkward manner of selling then buying the second it’s up for sale.
- A fun new way for competition to happen through a legal business route in auctions.

What negatives could this have?:
- Coding ^-^

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Currently selling a property to someone is selling it to the bank then they immediately buy it. This system makes it less awkward, more convenient for everyone and adds a fun new way for legal competition.
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