Pros and Cons Paralake V3

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So since the release of V3 everyone found pros and cons in the new map, I myself found some aswell and I am here to post all the pros and cons about the new map.
Let me start off by saying the map is AMAZING. I really enjoy playing PERPHeads even more right now.
In the beginning there were some annoying missing reflection textures and everything was turning invisible. Now that is fixed the map is a true beauty.

So lets start the list!

There are alot of pros in the new map, so here are a few.

Regals actually looks like something expensive now.
Interior inside of apartments and houses.
Bazaar alley is much bigger, much better.
The 'cage' at parkers and glassco is gone making it 2 seperate buildings.
The stupid downhill and uphill at bazaar to CD is gone making fixing mini coopers easier.
Projex got replaced with Moron Shipping CO
Police Department has way more rooms now making PoliceRP better.
Suburbs 1, 2 and 3 has balconies.
Hungries isn't breaking rules anymore, 2 entrances! YAY!

Here are the cons

Walking up the regals stairs and down is a pain in the arse, when you confront someone it's fucking annoying.
No more sneaky beaky drug dealing in bazaar alley, everyone sees you.
When getting raided in Suburbs house 1, 2 or 3 they can now climb up the roof and shoot you from the windows.
Regals is 1 big headglitch.
You can't drive into some places anymore due to poles being placed there. Harder to escape from the cops.
Hungries is harder to defend due to the back door.
It takes 69 hours to get a slot due to Everyone wanting to play.

Both pros and cons
There are some things that can be good, but bad aswell.

You can drive your car into the park.

If you have some pros and cons you'd like to share, share them and I'll put them in the thread.
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With regards to the complaints regarding the bollards:
You can't drive into some places anymore due to poles being placed there. Harder to escape from the cops.
Inner Metropolitan areas in most countries are now tackling the issue of evasion with motor vehicles by condoning certain areas to pedestrians only. The addition is bollards isn't necessarily a con of the map, it is simply a deterrent for criminal activity which most sensible governments would invest in. I would remove that from the con list as it's more of an in-character complaint/con rather than an out-of-character con.
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I love how most of your cons are because it makes it harder for you to break the law :hilarious: Map is absolutely fantastic, just shows how far we've come from the EvoCity map we made. Problems can have remedies and I'm sure there will be more versions in the future that will change some things. You can't please everyone!
Love the map but I am going to miss the apartments (projex) as I used to spend hours there.
But the new shipping building is honestly fantastic. The problem with projex was it was always the target for raiding due to it being so far away from civilization.

There are cons of course, but if there wasn't the map wouldn't be fresh then there would be even more complaints.
I think one con would be it made the server to popular and it is a half hour wait to get in.

I missed a damn good raid due to this but I had a dream that someday I would get a slot :(