Put Factory+ Workers to it.

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Czech Republic
Topic: Put Factory building and worker's slots for it.

Short explanation (in notes):
-Gives more RP, about protest against ''bad gasses'' and that stuff
-More jobs to server

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
There would be one guy, who leads whole factory ''Boss'' and have some power, like LT (To fire his workers) + having one guy, who will drive his car (could be audi S5) and having berreta, as gun for protecting Boss. (Boss cant be demoted by Mayor or LT, he will get demoted ONLY, if officer puts him in jail), he can change pay check of his staff. His factory will earn money, that worker and driver will work. (Just a bit same as mayor, but he's not getting money from taxes, but from Staff work).

One guy would be driver with transit, which will transport cargo to any place on map (For example Delivery) and back, his pay will be 50$ for every ride (There and back to factory). Next guy would be normal worker, which will just move around factory and for example move boxes in factory. (Dont really know, what should he be doing)

Count of staff:
Workers: 4
Driver (With transit): 1
Boss: 1
Boss's guard: 1

Factory location: Factory would be placed on that hill next to Farm, that where's end of road and upstairs.

Optional additions:

-Boss job only for VIP
-Probably add new building, that would driver deliver to.
-(Only if community agrees with that) Workers and Boss can actually do illegal stuff (For example having/making drugs, having guns). But if something will be illegal in factory, Boss is responsible for it.

Well, that'S all I want to say, if you like that idea, dont forget to +support that, if you dont, then write reason and -support that, and sorry for some grammar mistakes, I'm not best in english at all.
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+Support, I just love the idea, HOW DId you come up with this, I mean like this is the most brilliant idea but the thing is, Will this be accepted then we have to wait for a new update etc etc...
I give this idea +/-Neutral. This idea seems ok and stuff, another legal way of earning money, everything ok with this idea, but i dont see how it will add more RP to the server. It just looks like an idea which if it would get accepted, its gonna be a hard work ofcourse, but it would just be another job to farm. Its like SWAT, where you do nothing and get payed. Boss is doing nothing and gets payed. Workers staying at one place doing stuff that are simple and with no needs to put effort into, just seems useless. Boss's guard, would just give someone a gun, which in alot of cases, (for example, SS) people get shot for none-valid reasons.
I'd like to hear an awnser from you about this if you have any objections.
I really like your idea! It would add a lot more roleplay to the server and just in a big loud word its GENIOUS to me lol. +Support - Hope it gets considered!
No one will ever fill the slots, the jobs will be constantly empty, just like the Taxi Driver job.
Thats why its annoying, its against rules. No admin enjoys an admin situation. And for the boss, that is pretty much nothing. He isnt going around searching for good workers so that eliminates this: "Have only good workers". For making a factory which is basicly nothing, since the factory is already built and not started from scratch: "He must make factory in balance" gets eliminated aswell. "he actually gets money, when factory has money, well, I dont really know what should he do, if you have any idea, tell me". Exactly, he gets money and he doesnt do anything, which means the workes do all the work for him. "I dont really know what should he do, if you have any idea, tell me". I'll give you another chance of thinking this idea out, if you have a different way of making this idea work, edit the thread and ill see if i can judge this in a different way. For now, i -Support this idea.
What will be this factory for, i mean what will it produce? I have something in mind. I don't know if it is possible to be added to server because this will change server a little bit. This can be a UNIQUE weapons factory. A higher heat source can be placed in it (this is for unique weapons should need a lot of heat) and boss has to find materials in short prices and sell those unique weapons at a good price. So He has to balance that prices to keep workers happy and prevent protests. I think this opinion erases that question "what will boss do?" Hope that idea is supportive to your post Tomiko...
Regards, ÇakmaLaz.
btw your post is awesome, i forgot to say :D (I am sure i posted this comment in wrong place, sorry for flood...)
V3 will have to happen for this, I suggest you implement this at Glass Co and Parker so no more growing in there. You would need a highpaycheck or some way for it to be profitable, for example, the NPC needs your stock to sell (Hardware shop) which if implemented will encourage the trading or blackmarket dealing (cops can arrest for this)
I like the idea to it.... all i have to say is the BIG fat +SUPPORT
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