Que server

bring the que server back

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 50.7%
  • No

    Votes: 36 49.3%

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United Kingdom
the que server was great it was fair and didn't require any sort of stress or moaning . The people that moaned because it was like I can join the server in 5mkns by spamming console good for you but others don't want to that . Bring back the que server best way to fix the issue.
stop being so lazy and spam your console
the que server is worse then being in jail (in-game you mongols)
"What server"

But in seriousness, the queue server was nice, because you could actually chill with people, those who wanted to get on the server faster was suffering a disease of "RaidAlot" and highly doubt they were actually there for the roleplay the server was supposed to have. Looking back at videos from 2014 and 13, there's quite a bit of people that were actually trying to roleplay propperly, now it's just some rebels around the place fighting against the "Raid" virus.

Bolli explained to me that it was removed because people didn't like it. They might bring it back in the future and it probably won't be Cinema.
Queue server up: People hate it.

Queue server down: People miss it.

If they were to bring it, back people would cry that it takes years to join the server, it wouldn't solve much.

What if they put an interesting gamemode on that server instead of cinema though :o

If only we would still have the queue server but damn, we had a lot of people complaining about it so your report might take around 2 hours when staff finally gets around to join the server with no queue :booty:
I hope they change the gamemode to murder or something like that, if they decide to add it back. @Fredy
Wait! So you guys complained about the queue server when it was up and running, now the server has been shut down you want it back.
Seriously guys which one is it because servers cost money to run and if the owners were to bring it back they would expect you not to complain about it. Personally I enjoyed the queue server and would love to see it back, however if the owners were to bring it back I wouldn't want to see any complaining about staff being able to skip the queue or the game mode being changed.
When the Queue server was brought back up today, we were able to semi-successfully play prophunt. One issue was when the map changed, everyone had their status in the queue reset which pissed everyone off. After quickly realizing he had messed up, @Fredy had changed it to one permanent map and I successfully joined within 3 minutes instead of my previous waiting time of 2 hours. I personally like the queue server better than having to spam the console and having autojoin barely work.

Please keep the queue server activated during peak hours.
Is this meant to be a pool playing server, where we can que our pool tips? In all honesty I think it's too much hassle for what it's worth, if rather we didn't have it but if the staff team desire or need it, it might be necessary to use it. Aside from that, i have noticed an heavy presence of most users not wanting it.
The queue server was removed due to people hating it. There were a number of reasons why people hated it but the two that caught my eye the most were that staff could skip the queue and people said it took to long.

The staff team removed the queue server because they care about what the players say. With that being said if the community miss the server then why was half the community complaining.
Stronghold is extremely fun IMO and I see people give up their slot to play it more. Everyone on had great fun and some stayed on past queue being disabled. 10$/10 ign.
A lot of people went on the Stronghold server and actually gave up their slots just to play it. I think the Queue server did well today.
Stronghold with PERP guns, do it. Please.
[DOUBLEPOST=1479167580,1479162171][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry for doublepost, iz bump xd.

To expand on my previous post I think having a gamemode like stronghold is great, but we need an AFK system for it.

Upon joining you will spawn up in the sky some place, and be prompted with a dialog box in which you can choose to play stronghold, or AFK up in the sky.
Either way you would be added to the queue, however you could opt in and out of the queue at leisure.
There would be an AFK timer which would pop you back up into the sky after a few minutes.
While up there, you would be unable to hear what's going on 'downstairs' if say for example you want to shift-tab and watch youtube you can do so without unwelcome distractions.

Also, the queue needs to be independent from connection time. Yesterday, annoying pricks like @RafidGamer decided that telling everyone to vote for a map change was a good idea, because it would essentially reset the queue, which annoyed me very much when I'm first in queue and everyone changes the map, putting me back twenty places.

The queue needs to transfer over with map changes if possible. Not sure how to do that, but hey, I ain't a dev.

Oh yeah, Stronghold with PERP guns, movement, mechanics where possible, and a nice tactical map of some kind.

Now flood me with optimistic ratings.
As you may have noticed as of yesterday (hopefully you have) we've changed gamemode to Stronghold which we hope and believe is better for the environment of waiting in the queue server, it's not that much of just sitting still and watching some videos, you actually move and get to kill people which I believe most of you enjoy a lot lol.

Now for people talking about some users changing maps please understand that the queue server is recently released and is not a finished product, hence why we took our time and listened to what you said; Issues will be resolved while this server is going, it will be fixed, tweaked and changed a lot. Maybe for example PERP guns will be added as it's what the community wants?

I know there's been some of you who have been talking about us staff members taking slots and I honestly hate when you guys start talking about this because it annoys me quite a lot;

Staff members take my slot and push me back all the time I can never get in the server!!!!!
- Please understand that we've been given this skip the queue feature as it makes it fair for people who are actually on the LIVE PH server at that time, we go into the server and do reports. Let's take this friday as a prime example, the server was full @ 1 clock GMT with one staff member on (Props to @Cole for that) during this he had to deal with several reports himself and because of the queue server not being active during this time I was unable to get a slot and help him, in this situation it would be very fair for us staff members to have a queue that we could skip and get past and deal with the reports. Now I know a lot of you will bring up the activity of some staff members but please understand that these people do not affect your time of getting into the server, if they join they actually do go on and do reports

I wish to speak for myself aswell in this queue server, as there is now a tool for us to push ourselves back in the queue I usually do this twice so that the people who were in top 10 of the queue actually get a slot and then I just roll on and do reports.

So please, before you actually come giving us shit about the queue server, understand that it's actually under development and it's not close to finished. We're trying to find a system that works well for everyone.
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