Today i was mayor and experienced a great roleplay scenario where i was mayor and had to be evacuated multiple times. It was great to see how organised everything went, so i quickly wanted to give a shout out to
@Garret_Pp as LT of the police force. Did multiple missions to ensure the safety of the mayor and even bought a safehouse. High level of roleplay i saw here.
@Alliat @Nassim @Weazel as my secret service, was great fun with you guys
@Skudist leading the protests
And to all the others involved
@Garret_Pp as LT of the police force. Did multiple missions to ensure the safety of the mayor and even bought a safehouse. High level of roleplay i saw here.
@Alliat @Nassim @Weazel as my secret service, was great fun with you guys
@Skudist leading the protests
And to all the others involved