Server Suggestion Racial slur filter in character.

Reaction score
Description of the idea:
Have a chat filter that automatically blocks written uses of racial slurs in all in character chat methods.

This can go two ways:
1: Outright refuse to send the message, logging the message on the logs as [failed] similar to how the current system for OOC chat works.
2: Censor the word with ******* or [SLUR]

The first method would be the better Option if you completely disagree with racism in RP full stop and would curb the problem completely (except for mic)
The second way would still allow people to “RP as racists” without actually using racial slurs Because people are upset now they can’t rp as a racist for some reason?

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Cracks down on the issue even more, it’d be better to just disallow players to use racial slurs in text chat rather than issuing real punishments for it.
- Option 2 let’s people roleplay that they’re saying racist things, without actually saying racist things serverside.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
Option 2 could still lead to offence in some cases.
Microphone usage circumvents this,​

-4 votes for a feature that's not only piss easy to implement but also actively prevents people from break a server rule automatically?

I've lost faith in this sub forum, and if player votes mean anything for new features then we should never, ever, suggest anything. I know I won't.

This would be a great addition to the server.

Will allow the people who would like to be racist and offensive to be that and also not allow other players to be offended.
Make this system censor local chat client sided only, then make it an option in the F1 menu. Better QoL addition for streamers and sensitive players.

Aside from that I think this is genuinely a great idea. I have no idea who downvoted this but they clearly have no idea what they're doing.
Anyway, I'd prefer to see this as an optional feature toggleable in the F1 menu. Make it be on by default, then let people opt out of censoring if they feel like it.
Remember, the purpose of this filter shouldn't be to allow people to be racists. (Microphone is still an option)

I actually suggest blocking any messages sent through any in-game channel completely if it contains a filtered word.

And with the new 1.2 rules in place, it shouldn't be optional.